Undercarriage and workbench are cleaner than the interior!
So I lopped off the shackle mounts and tacked the new ones in and now siting at 23 degrees...
So the next part was a good challenge and I wanna say the last one I did was back in the day when NWOR was one of the only places to easily source parts.
So The caps on the joints had KC1720AD which I spent over an hour without being able to cross reference to anything via the web using the number on the cap.
Well I went with application and came up with this part number
Precision #513 and it is a perfect fit.
I had a hard time getting the caps out due to the body hitting not letting the cap work all the way out so I used the welder and a slide hammer. Ya the one joint was a little toast..
So one thing I can say is made certain the needle bearings where pin for the ball rides don't pop out of place--that was the one curve ball I ran into and broke a few of them. Since the ball was in perfect shape I just cut up one of the many CV's I had laying around and used the needle bearings.
Finally got that all done and installed.
What springs did you use? I'm at 25* with some new all pro springs and I'm wondering if I should decrease it to 20*?
maybe it does not matter , but it appears you put it back together different than how you took it apart
pic of b4 u took apart
pic of after u put back together
TG 4"....
I went 23 degrees but 25 should be ok unless they have a TON of arch..