Holy **** good eye!!!
Those last 3 pics are from the Parker425 in February where I blew the inner CV up on the driverside mid-race. All of those are from post that point it looks like.
Wasnt the CV's fault, new car bugs, I had these dual boot CV flanges that we were using. Well with as much front travel as I have the shaft was actually hitting the flange on the lip that the inner boot would attach too. More or less leveraging the end of the shaft into binding the CV. Eventually the CV cage had enough and let loose. We pulled the shaft and pushed on.
Once back in Texas and prepping for Texana discovered the passenger side was suffering the same problem but hadn't let loose yet. So I swapped to a single boot flange that doesnt have that inner lip area to get in the way.
Live and learn, this go fast and IFS stuff is all super new to myself and my whole crew. Steep learning curve.