Motor build!
We've gone through three motors on this project, upgrading each time. The buggy came with a really nice LQ4 with ported/polished heads, aftermarket oil pan, upgraded cam, and harness already cut down by Jim's Performance. I was told I would have around 490 hp. That would have been good and all, but something about 500 just has a nice ring to it. I asked if we could somehow get a nice, round 500 hp.
Andrew is all about the Gen IV LS stuff and said he would keep an eye out for a good deal since we had some time on our hands. He found an immaculate 2009 30k mile LY6 for a good deal so we picked that up for engine #2. The plan was to do the 510hp Mast Motorsports kit and call it a day. I would get my 500 hp. Not as much as Andrew's buggy, but I could live with it.
Well, next thing you know, I get a call from Andrew at work one day. He tells me he has a surprise and that I should come by the shop to check it out. No telling what it could be - I have learned not to even try to guess. I see another engine on a pallet in the shop. Engines everywhere by this point. I figured this was another one for resale or one of his buddies or something. He tells me he got a smoking deal on a 2013 L94 (new model L92) with 18 miles from an Escalade that was wrecked on the dealer lot. Obviously, I wanted it. More money, yes, but more woopow. Who can say no to that? For the price I couldn't pass up a 6.2L aluminum block and higher compression, so I took it. Engine number three. ;D
Andrew was able to save me a little money when he found a brand new, still in the box Mast Motorsports kit on craigslist. Along with that we ordered a DOD delete kit from Texas Speed, ARP head bolts, etc. Once all the goodies came in, my dad joined us at the shop to help with the engine work.