Best club I've ever been in. After years of abuse I broke one gave Tina a call and they replaced both for free. I don't think you can get that kind of service anywhere:awesomework:
You are right none of this **** is secret it just took me along time to understand not to talk to much about places like this on the web or they seem to go away and I know that will happen anyway so I'm trying to just not help it along anymore.:hi:
How much H.P. does the 4.3 have? They are probably easier to work on but on the other hand I don't have to work on mine. Just turn the key and go. My swap was about $1500 and everything just bolts right up. Pretty much zero fab work.
Mines in a V6 toyota 3rd. It doesn't lock up and is blowing the air out the diff breather. Is there a seal in side thats bad that makes it do this?
Anyone in the everett area that knows how to fix this?