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  1. Hip

    MATRIX Buggy Build....

    wonder how straight you will be able to keep it during welding? Id check it for parrallel when done...:D be prepaired to pay for a skim cut.
  2. Hip

    Auto Transmissions in crawlers

    yeah on flat ground and full. im thinking something is wrong inside. it get seriously worse when low. stock stall, yes RPMs help.
  3. Hip

    Auto Transmissions in crawlers

    My th 350 is pretty slow from first to reverse with a reverse manual valve body in it, and i do wish i had a fourth gear as i got plenty left after third is wound out.
  4. Hip

    PNW race schedule....

    it was a lot more fun than i thought it would be..... mines getting stripped a little more this time, leaving the back seat out cause its been over six weeks and the mud from last time is still wet under it. took all the seats out and...
  5. Hip

    My Bus,,, My Bus,,, My Bus...

    i just cut up my old boat and it had a nice newer aluminium 60 gal fuel tank you got any need for it?:redneck:
  6. Hip

    MATRIX Buggy Build....

    i agree on giving yourself more visibility in the front end area anywhere you can. my nose is huge and i cant see over it very well at all, especially when its stuck up in the air... my interior floor panels are too time consuming to remove for access also.
  7. Hip

    Guess its time to start a build thread...

    so where is the picture of the pile of tube you delivered last night?
  8. Hip

    Pinion nut backed out.. locker f'ed?

    what he said ^^^.
  9. Hip

    Guess its time to start a build thread...

    did you see the mohave heater for sale on this board today. i heard you will be needing one. I want to see this start with the load of tube on my trailer today.....see ya around 3:30ish:D
  10. Hip

    Heater Questions

    find the high point and vent the system of all air.....
  11. Hip


    looking real good for me this year..... two weeks even.:D
  12. Hip


    Great thread... can you enlighten us on the incidents?
  13. Hip

    fuel cell foam break down?

    what is the specific application? motor EFI style etc....
  14. Hip

    So i bought a 51 Whilly

    ahh soo i see. that is a nice mod.
  15. Hip

    So i bought a 51 Whilly

    you mean this one....hand so slipery i could not keep a grip on the wheel. leather gloves and slop dont work well together. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HN1AbbDNcIg
  16. Hip

    So i bought a 51 Whilly

    im new at this video stuff be patient. ...and thanks a bunch for the videos you shot were the best i got.:D
  17. Hip

    So i bought a 51 Whilly

    Hip making short work of the rock pile at stradleline ORV park Best Of The West Series..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MxXGYwHi_Is
  18. Hip

    So i bought a 51 Whilly

    the other thing is if you were to drive KOH at that pace the rig would not last.....8 minutes vice 6 hours.
  19. Hip

    So i bought a 51 Whilly

    yeah i noticed that and thought it was a great idea. i had borrowed a helmet for the day as i dont own one. when i rode motorcycles we didnt have to wear them so i never owned one. the helmet i borrowed was real nice and i didnt want to mud it up so i just wore my snowboard helmet. I need to...
  20. Hip

    So i bought a 51 Whilly

    Actually been saving my money for a second set of beadlock tires so i dont kill my krawlers. What machining makes them better? maybe some iroks? Im pretty happy with the motor and dual cases setup. it is pretty versatile but it is still a V6:rolleyes:

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