My th 350 is pretty slow from first to reverse with a reverse manual valve body in it.
I beat the poop outa a AW4 in my old XJ in two years of full throttle "first to reverse" type action. I dissabled the nuetral safety switch so it would start in any gear (very dangerous but very exciting:redneck, I ground the shifter gates to make the 1 to R easier and ran a big ass cooler.......tranny never flinched
Even sitting on flat ground .......or only on a vert..........cuz you want that bish to be snappy:eeek:. How over full is the tranny,what stall TC, does it quicken up with the rpm's up? Your gonna smash that fancy hood if'n you don't get that sorted out:beer:
I'm beating the crap out of an AW4 with a baja shifter. Just switch from stick to auto a few months ago and have had it on about 6 trips so far with no issues. And I'm not scared of the skinny peddle.
Sweet.Thats great to hear.What would you guesstimate your horsepower at Joop?
250?? I dont know I never dyno'd it. It's a 4.6 inline 6 stroker with GM TBI efi. .. Mine has a lot of low end torque.
You're probably well under 200
Stock, it was something like 120 HP. Stroking it helped, but I doubt it doubled.
Heck, my 350 TBI motor stock was probably only 200, and when I changed cams, exhaust, and put on the bigger throttle body, I probably only boosted my engine to 250.
Just in case..........
EDIT....trans sold.....oh well. If I see one for sale I'll post it up in case your other avenues fall through:beer: