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"08 Ride Locations

We have some more event dates and info for 2008 so we can refine the ride schedule a good bit. Also, I think it would be a good idea to have members volunteer to plan varous rides throughout the year. This would include lodging info and reservations, directions ,etc. I am getting burn out on planning all the rides myself. Everybody bring your schedules for 2008 to the next meeting so we can set the schedule next Monday.
So the first stab at a ride schedule needs some tweaking, Dollar please check your schedule for open dates as some of the XRRA events and other local rides confilict with our pre-set schedule.

At first glance is see the following problems:

Wooly's/Mayhem Combo Ride was set for 4/11-12/08, the week before XRRA Gray Rock and possibly the Spring Fling at GR
MMORV Open Forum Ride was set for 5/16-17/08m the same weekend as XRRA Jellico, so it needs to be moved around
Clayton Trip was 7/10-12/08, this is the same weekend as XRRA Hannibal and does not work with John's schedule. Plus it is damn hot to ride during this time of the year.

My thoughts:
Winter Ride is still up in the air, we are waiting on Keith's ride location to decide this. If we don't do Harlan, then Clayton would be a fun winter choice.
Wooly's/Mayhem is a good, short trip, but bad in April. May or Sept might be better
Forum Ride @ MMORV sometime June or August would work as we have nothing then.
I would also be interested in dropping the River Rock or Tellico ride, and filling in with the non-chosen winter ride or Wooly's, whichever we don't do in May.

These are just my ideas, pitch in yours and let's work this out so at the next meeting we might have all the info needed to make these decisions.
Keith is not yet set on his ride location. I will try to stay on top and will report when I hear. Harland is in Option at this point.
I'm not too interested in going back to Tellico so dropping it would be fine with me. I've been three times, it's fun... but been there done that.
Totally agree man, plus I think we would all rather have 3-4 travel events/year that everybody goes on vs 5-6 events a year that half the club attends. So if you all are game for dropping Tellico, that puts us at 4 events and one of those is the long distance Clayton run. I think that is just about perfect!
I'll hit Tellico sometime this year but thats just me. Might try the big Toyota roudup.
If Clayton is an option for Feb. lets firm that up quick. Big ride + long distance = lota prep
& planing.
Dollar, look and see what weekends you are free in May, June and September.

I am looking at two possible ride schedules depending on Keith's ride location:

Keith does not go to Harlan:
Feb 22-23 - Harlan, KY
May 3rd or 24th - Clayton, OK
June 21st or 28th - Open Ride @ MMORV
Sept 5-6 - River Rock, GA
October 17-18 - Wooly's/Mayhem, TN

Keith goes to Harlan
Feb 22-23 - Clayton, OK
May 3rd or 24th - Woolys/Mayhem, TN
June 21st or 28th - Open Ride @ MMORV
Sept 5-6 - River Rock, GA
October 17-18 - Harlan, KY

What do you all think?
Hey Guys this is what I put together:

Feb 22-23 - Woolys/Mayhem TN Combo Ride
April 25-26th or May 2-3rd - Clayton, OK
June 7th, 21st or 28th - Forum Open Ride @ MMORV
Sept 5-6 - River Rock, GA
October 17-18 or Oct 31-Nov 1 - Harlan, KY

Dollar check you schedule for the rides that I have multiple dates for. This looks like a decent plan to me with 4 good rides plus a big open event @ MMORV. First ride in TN is just down the road 2-2.5 hours each way. Easy and everybody should be able to make it. Late April or early May is perfection in Clayton, June will not be completely miserable for a MMORV ride, River Rock in late summer since Dollar said a lot of the appeal is the river. And then Harlan at the end of the year in prime leaf season. What ya think?
June 28th is out for me, that is the start of our vacation. 7th best, 21 okay.

All other dates are good for me.
I have already starting working on details for the first ride in 08. I know Clayton so that is a breeze. I put in a lot of planning for Harlan last year when I thought I was going there, so that is minimal. Would somebody volunteer to plan the RiverRock ride? It would include touching base with the park owner about our trip, finding accomidations with pricing info and making reservations if needed. And of course notifying the club about when and what to do. I would greatly appreciate it.
