1 3/4 .120 dom?
ok you freaking idiots !! the question i asked is WHERE are you getting it ?
You can try metal supermarkets in woodinville. They are more expensive than most but they can get you material in 24hrs instead of 2 weeks, so it depends on how soon you need it.
1 3/4 .120 dom?
I call complete bullshit on $70 a stick for 4340. EMJ is pretty much the cheapest game in town and is where most everybody buy's, I don't think we've ever had to wait 2 week's for anything, but we buy common sizes for the most part. If you're just going to be buying a time or two it is to your benefit to buy from a big steel consumer like Bunk's shop or another, when a shop get's a personal truck load per day, they generally have killer buying power.
Hey! I had to wait 9 business days for my 2 inch 1/2 wall there. EMJ is fast, It all depends on the salesman who is helping you. I got 2 inch dom for paulie last week and it took 3 days after ordering for it to arrive...(from cali)