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He might be needin to go back and take Drivers Ed again. :flipoff1: Been awhile you know. Maybe training wheels or something. :woot:
****--and I thought it was a sami!

SICK RIG!! Lovin it man... gonna feel good to be wheelin somethin other than a rhino I'm sure!
Juan_Hong_Loe said:
Looks to me like it' sitting on the bumps, so prolly not.
Yea i see that now it was kinda hard to tell on the mobile...one killer rig though cant wait to see it in action :popcorn:
rock mafia said:
What? It holds up fine for the west coasters ;D

We thought the same thing till we talked to a couple of guys. Seems there are alot more bent then you see on the interweb. We know of 3 or 4 that have been bent but the buggy says spidertrax on the side no pics.
Kims was bent back so bad the axle would no come out. Had to beat it out from the other side.

Cole said:
When the rear axle breaks I already have a plan for it and it won't include a 9" axle ;D
:popcorn: I love the build. It's nice work for sure.

Our truss is identical to the truss on yours Cole. I mean, if I saw pics of the two side by side without link mounts I would think it is the same axle. Check out our KOH build up thread and see our rear axle straightening fun. It looked like a banana. After talking with people around the bend...this happens with their housings. When I asked Spidertrax about this problem, they were telling me it will happen unless you truss the back plus the top, or if your truss is far enough back you can incorporate as a back and top truss together. I noticed one of the Lovell's truss was like this...maybe Brad's. His truss was more toward the back of the housing. Just two cents for thinking while it's still being built. Carry on. Looks badass!
Droopy said:
I noticed one of the Lovell's truss was like this...maybe Brad's. His truss was more toward the back of the housing. Just two cents for thinking while it's still being built. Carry on. Looks badass!

I wanted to do it that way, but the fill plug was in the way.



