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I have been running a spool in my 14b for two years and it has been OK. I just bought a Grizzly locker to put in because the spool pushed me off lines too much. Even though they say the Grizzlys are supposed to hold up when a shaft breaks, I'm still concerned about the stock 14b shafts. Has anyone tried having stock 14b shafts cryo'ed, and if so did it make them hold up better?
chromo shaft blew up my detroit... :****:
i like my spool... its bullit proof its a overson spool it was like a 30lb junk of iron :eek:
How well does front and rear spool work together? Steering issues?
its not really a problem in my book. they do push a little more with spools on both ends but not too bad. seems i dont break shafts as much with a spool over a detroit.
Does double ended ram work better with spool up front or is single ram enough?
I broke a 14b shaft early this year. Had a spool at the time. Running around the park the rest of the day with 1 shaft I was amazed how much better I could turn. I put a Grizzly locker in with another used shaft and have been beating it ever since. The Grizzly is loud like the real old detroits but works fine.
InDaShop said:
14bolt stockers are strong as hell. How many has anyone broke? And for $5 to $10 a piece spares are CHEAP!!!! And if you run the Full Float then they are EASY to swap.
i agree with this never broke a 14 full floater
Back when I had the heavy chevys I only broke one RR shaft, That was abused for 7 years in 3 different rigs with a stout 468 being the smallest engine it saw.
locnrol said:
Does double ended ram work better with spool up front or is single ram enough?
Spool in the front sucks even with a double ended ram. Not really a good application.
Yes, with trails & driving styles getting more CRAZY over the last few years, it is getting normal to see broken stock 14 bolt shafts, I have seen several,

John Burns broke a left rear on BUNNY SLOPE 3 at fall for all on friday, me & Tony helped him swap it out that night ,

It was broke in 3 pieces, the outer, a 4" piece in the middle ,& a 6" piece in the spool, the piece in the middle was WEDGDED INTO THE HOUSING :****:

We ended up taking it bare down to the housing, spool & all , and went in through the open center to knock the wedged piece loose & pull it out :eek:

I would say go SPOOL & 300 M SHAFTS :dblthumb: