Well-Known Member
AW10 said:Maybe I should have said I pay more attention to people I "know" over someone else. Not that I don't believe them or anything but once you read someone enough and generally agree with what they say or see them always giving advice that turns out to be correct you stop wondering if they are correct and just believe they are. Like if I have a Toyota question I would feel just as conformable sending tbitoy a message and believing what he said as I would making a post. Some people have just gained my trust but that's NOT saying I think everyone else is wrong or I don't believe them. Similar to a Dr. You've been seeing for years and think they are a good doc so you stop getting on the net and seeing if they are correct and you just start believing them.
All this post was about was people I'm familiar with changing their pic and messing me up for a split second until I learn their new pic. Should have let the rest of it out I guess...
Thats ok, at least we all know your gay now