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2007 Heavy Duty Shootout


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2006
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Ok, I'm a little hesitant to open up this can of worms but Pickuptruck.com did a shootout using all the new 2007 Heavy-Duty Crew Cab trucks. They used 3/4 ton gas powered short beds and 1 ton diesel powered long bed dullies, all with automatics. I thought some of you might be interested, it's a good read.


Personally I was surprised with how well the Gas powered rigs did. Even though The Dodge and Chevy where handy capped by only having 3.73 gearing when they really should have had at least 4.10, but if you look at the Ford with its 4.30 gearing it was able to hang with its diesel equivalent fairly well. Now this doesn't say anything about gas mileage or longevity, but appropriately equipped I
I wonder if the 4.10 gears in the Dodge actually hurt it's performance, causing it to run out of breath too quickly before having to shift gears and limiting the top end. That's where the Chevy and the Ford were finally catching it.
They ran an F-450 with a 20,000 lb trailer up a 25 percent grade. There are so few hills like that in the real world though.
Just tell me what truck I can tow with at full speed, and pass with, and sit 6 people and 3 90 pound dogs...
I don't care how "they" rate them. If it in my power I will never tow with a gas powered rig again. When I bought my Dodge, I drove all of the gassers and all of the diesels and I knew there was no way I was gonna buy a gasser.:redneck:
I don't care how "they" rate them. If it in my power I will never tow with a gas powered rig again. When I bought my Dodge, I drove all of the gassers and all of the diesels and I knew there was no way I was gonna buy a gasser.:redneck:

stock a chevy feels good.. I haven't driven a single stock dodge that I like.. I think I could kick it's ass with a pinto. But I never leave anything stock. And it's way too easy to get power out of any diesel.. The gasser you can't say the same. Not to mention the other things diesels are better known for. I would not flinch if I got the change to get a Duramax.. I'd take a ford. But it'd be getting an engine swap REAL fast.. Powerstroke is just a POS in my eyes.
stock a chevy feels good.. I haven't driven a single stock dodge that I like.. I think I could kick it's ass with a pinto. But I never leave anything stock. And it's way too easy to get power out of any diesel.. The gasser you can't say the same. Not to mention the other things diesels are better known for. I would not flinch if I got the change to get a Duramax.. I'd take a ford. But it'd be getting an engine swap REAL fast.. Powerstroke is just a POS in my eyes.
I agree with ya on the D-Max...Very nice riding truck, Just a little out of my price range as was the ford. For what I paid I think I got a hell of a lot of truck.:redneck:
Lower gears can be a big negative to a diesel.
Alot of people on the diesel lists prefer the higher gears.

As far as compairing a 1/2 ton gasser to a 3/4-1 ton gas or diesel.
I do not ever plan to go back to a 1/2 ton.
Bean there done that, NO THANKS.

As for Diesel VS Gas, I will stick with the diesel.
But I will admit there are some nice gasser motors out there (HEMI):cool:

As for as the biggest cab. MEGA CAB all the way, or Excursion.
one big thing I notice about the Fords... anyone into diesels even the slightest, only bought a Ford because of the price.. That kinda says a lot.

Mega cab long beds RULE btw :fawkdancesmiley:

I didn't know I could mumble while typing as well, I'll try it again.

M o s t p e o p l e I t a l k t o o n l y b u y a f o r d b e c a u s e t h e y c o u l d n' t a f f o r d t h e o t h e r (better) o p t i o n.

man I sure hope you understood that one, cause it's a bitch to type that way.

edit: dammit it screwed up all my spacing,, ahh well fawkit.
ok I take that back.. some wanted the ford because of the true 4 doors.. Dodge finally makes it, but ya only get a short bed with it.
My point was the Ford cost more the last time I checked but it's been a while.......And yes the 4 doors was the big reason I bought mine.....
I bought my ford for outa the box towing power and to have a good handling truck while towing. I got what i wanted, I dont hear nothing but bitching from u dodge fellers. Wanting more power all the time. :looser: :fawkdancesmiley:

And Ford takes the cake for looks IMO. Well up until 08
I talked to Ted Grady at that lil event in Yakima and he had bought the new dogde with the new 6.7 (or 6.4) diesel and hated it. Said it was gutless compared to the 5.9 HO that he had before. In fact it was so bad that he traded (sold and it cost him quite a bit lol) it back in and bought a 5.9 HO again. Said that on hills where he could go 70 before that he could barely stay at 55mph, this was all pulling his buggy and trailer.