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2008 World of Wheels, BJCC, Feb 8-10

Ah Bailey's wheels never looked so good....Looks great man...all shiny and stuff....I'm sure you will get plenty of nut polish on it at the WOW. I'm probably goin Saturday afteroon...
Unloading inside the BJCC was cool







Jamie did a real nice job with our display, it is killer. All the rigs look great, it should be lots of fun! Hope to see you guys out there on Sat and Sun
Pics - 2008 World of Wheels, BJCC, Feb 8-10


Few pics...




That chevy truck is crazy. That 18wheeler with the mural on it is the tow rig ;D Sign says over $650k invested, 50,000 man hours and 5 years to complete
I think $650,000.00 and 50,000 manhours in modifications is on the edge of FANATICISM. :fish:
The murals reminded me of the first "custom" vans in the '70s. But MORE!!! loller.gif
That thing even had flatscreen tv's in the wheelwells. What so your tire can watch TV?

I talked to that guy a year or so ago. He and his wife use the truck for promotion, but mainly so they can travel the country. They are both retired and finally getting the chance to see everything they hadn't/haven't seen before.
Matt that lil ram guard on the front end needs some pimp UMWFH wht ever the hell skid on it.. I know I have enough left over for that lil bit that would be needed there.

then it would be all pimpy skid-a-licious

That would be bangin, I just need to add some tabs to mount it up to. I will get with you and get your scraps if that is cool.
Juan_Hong_Loe said:
I'm confused what is this '70s thing you are talking about? :flipoff1:

If you're confused you must know all about the '70s. :spin:
Show was great we all went home with trophies ;D The coolest part was Bailey, Jamie and myself driving the rigs 65 North to Mt. Olive. That was awesome!!!
Well its finally over with. The results are in and I was last Ha Ha Ha. Keith won 1st, Matt O was 2nd, and Brad 3d. I think the judging was rigged!!! They are all color blind Orange is just plain bad! Didn't everyone get the memo!
Na, it was judged great those guys rigs are plain awesome. Everyone worked very hard to get this outcome and it showed in the end. This event brought alot of people into our crazy world of rock crawling. Some of these people have never seen anything like this before. I talked to hundreds of people over 3 days and everyone was blown away by this sport and our rigs. Thousands of pics were taken and hundreds of questions answered. Well in all it was worth it. Thanks Matt, Keith, and Brad for all you guys help, I couldn't have done this without you guys and I surely couldn't have picked any better rigs! Thanks Guys.
Here are a few blurry pics.
:spin: drool

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The rigs did look good guys. As for the chromed thing-a-ma-bobber. I have bigger rod ends on my steering than that thing had on its link mounts. It was kinda cool meeting you guys as well. You know putting faces with names kinda thing.