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2010 Ride #1 - April 10th, 2010

Matt O. said:
That seems odd to invite others to ride your are being invited too. However, I think we need to start moving away from the only hardline members and potential members can ride with us idea. I think being a little bit more open with our rides will lead to more interest in the club and more members. I think there is no harm in inviting them along. If they are idiots we can always heckle them. ;D

Okay, I will respond affermative with the understanding on the secrecy of the area. Probably partly my fault, I just asked bob to come along, I did not say it was a private ride.
We will have guides, inviting friends and all that so not really private. But definately stress the deal with the location. Oh yeah, and no posting pictures this time!!!!! :flipoff1:
Matt O. said:
We will have guides, inviting friends and all that so not really private. But definately stress the deal with the location. Oh yeah, and no posting pictures this time!!!!! :flipoff1:

This is my reply to Bob.


Yes, that is fine. They do need to understand this is a private club ride. While light drinking on the trail is okay, heavy drinking will not be tolerated. That is saved for the hotel parking lot. Also, this is a secrete spot. They cannot say where they rode, only that it is in Monteagle. They can post no pictures to any web site. I can not stress it enough, that they can not talk about where we go.
I booked a room for myself and Jamie/Amie. We will be there sometime on Friday, probably in the afternoon.

Also if anybody is down for a Friday afternoon ride Hale Mtn is only about 20 miles from our Hotel...... I would be up for it..
Matt O. said:
I booked a room for myself and Jamie/Amie. We will be there sometime on Friday, probably in the afternoon.

Also if anybody is down for a Friday afternoon ride Hale Mtn is only about 20 miles from our Hotel...... I would be up for it..

If all goes well with JoAnn this week, I will be leaving sometime friday afternoon and Mapquest shows the hotel almost 60 miles shorter going up highway 65 than going through Chattanooga. So, what time would you be leaving on Friday? :dunno:
Yeah since we are staying in Winchester and just riding Iron Gap it is faster to take I-65 up. Hale Mtn is actually closer than the hotel and it is kidna on the way. I would say maybe meet about lunch time or a little after at Hale Mtn for those that want to ride it Friday. If we have no takers I will just go to EOR and hang out at the shop.
Really really wish I could make this ride, but I have other obligations this weekend.
Cole I can't believe you are not going to be back to defend your high spot on Everest ;D This weekend is going to be beautiful and DRY!!!

Can we get a count for Saturday so I can tell Jimmy how many?

I have:
Matt O.
John G

Who else?

Also anybody interested in Hale Mtn Friday? Just to cruise around, not trying to break...
Matt O. said:
Also anybody interested in Hale Mtn Friday? Just to cruise around, not trying to break...

May do Hale Mountain on Sunday. Don't want to risk breaking before the ride we planned. I hate working in motel parking lots!!!!
I am still in as long as mine gets a well needed transmission transplant in time. Should be no problem, or I will just borrow the 38' Special. Is that alright with you John? :dunno:
UPDATE; FUKIN PART HAS NOT ARRIVED FOR MY TRANSMISSION YET> supposed to be here by 10 a.m. friday morning or I'm going to go postal. Still on the floor in pieces. Watch the news tommorrow, I might need one of you to bail me out... :****: :****: :****:

Anyone got an extra seat? J I C
Had a great time :driving: with you guys this weekend.
Can't wait to see pics
Bob is going to put his videos under mountainsideorp on youtube
