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2016 1000 shift issue


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2013
Reaction score
Cleveland Tn
So on my girlfriends 16' 1000 rzr when you stop and it's at the slightest bit of incline or even sometimes on flat ground you can't get the thing out of park. Someone has to get out and rock it while someone tries to shift it. It feels like the trans wont let it shift out. Is there a fix for this? I know nothing about these things but trying to help her out.
I don't know the fix for the actual problem but it is common.

Buy a "spring brake thingy". That's literally what it's called. Like a parking brake. Apply it before shifting to parking.
ibrokeit said:
I don't know the fix for the actual problem but it is common.

Buy a "spring brake thingy". That's literally what it's called. Like a parking brake. Apply it before shifting to parking.

^ What he said. https://www.google.com/search?source=hp&ei=TKXQXManI-yg_QaW05lQ&q=rzr+parking+brake+thingy&oq=RzR+Parking+Brake&gs_l=psy-ab.1.2.0l3j0i22i30l7.366.4244..6832...0.0..0.124.1763.10j8......0....1..gws-wiz.....0..0i131j0i10.YsJJI2uvawg

Most RzR models didn't come with any form of a factory parking brake. So the lack of shifting is a common issue.

Busted Knuckle used to carry a $60.00 spring operated parking brake, but I don't see it on their website anymore. Which is a shame since A) I could use one and B) how to use the parking brake was modeled by Burkey in Crocs, so something that should never leave the internet...

Or just try out this video:
Free Polaris RZR Parking Brake
ridered3 said:
^ What he said. https://www.google.com/search?source=hp&ei=TKXQXManI-yg_QaW05lQ&q=rzr+parking+brake+thingy&oq=RzR+Parking+Brake&gs_l=psy-ab.1.2.0l3j0i22i30l7.366.4244..6832...0.0..0.124.1763.10j8......0....1..gws-wiz.....0..0i131j0i10.YsJJI2uvawg

Most RzR models didn't come with any form of a factory parking brake. So the lack of shifting is a common issue.

Busted Knuckle used to carry a $60.00 spring operated parking brake, but I don't see it on their website anymore. Which is a shame since A) I could use one and B) how to use the parking brake was modeled by Burkey in Crocs, so something that should never leave the internet...

Or just try out this video:
Free Polaris RZR Parking Brake

Try that and see how it works then show me because I cant get the video to work.
jeeptj99 said:
Try that and see how it works then show me because I cant get the video to work.

Still works on my end of things,but basically he sticks an allen wrench in between to top of the brake pedal and the brake mounting area. Will send you some pictures this weekend when I'm back home.
ridered3 said:
Still works on my end of things,but basically he sticks an allen wrench in between to top of the brake pedal and the brake mounting area. Will send you some pictures this weekend when I'm back home.

Messed around with this over the weekend and discovered that using an allen wrench wouldn't work for me, since there was too much of a gap between pedal and pedal mount. So instead I found a misc bolt in a drawer that worked quite well. I can reach down underneath the steering column and easily put the bolt between the brake pedal and pedal mount.

Previously our RzR would rock 6-8" when in Park. With the bolt installed, the RzR rocks 1-2" when in Park. No idea if it will work on the trail, but it worked good in the garage.

Follow-up on this after a trail ride.

Typically I try to find somewhere flat-ish or somewhere to hang a tire on in order to park and not have to worry about shifting our of Park. Had a couple of instances down at AOP where that was not an option, so tried out the bolt method. Seemed like it worked pretty good. No issues shifting out of Park on uneven ground/parking situations.

So for the low cost of a free misc bolt out of the toolbox, I am pleased with the bolt parking brake setup.

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