And it's drive line turns two times to one for the 2-1 what's that say?.
It's says you measured incorrectly.
Put a block under the front tires.
Lift both back tires off the ground.
Put jackstands under the rig, so, if it falls you don't get squished.
Put the transmission in neutral
Crawl under back of truck.
Spin the driveshaft by hand. Both tires should turn the same direction, and the exact same amount.
It should take between three to five revolutions to turn the tires one full circle.
Count those revolutions
That's your approximate ration.
If you are spinning the tires (instead of the driveshaft) then the differential is coming into play and skewing your results.
I'm not a Toyota guy,,,, but typical ratios are like 3.54 to 1, 3.73 to 1, 4.10 to 1, 4.56 to 1 etc. So, this should get you close.
In reality, it doesn't really matter what the ratio is, as, or the horsepower, either you like driving this rig, or, you like driving the Jeep, or you don't. If you don't, then sell them AS IS, to someone who will. Then use the money to build or buy something you do like.