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39 Reds VS. 43 SX swampers

TacomaJD said:
Hate it when ppl say that. How many of us spend our time in actual mud anyways? Hell I'd drive 1 mile around a water puddle if there's a trail around lol. I hate mud. But I have been in slick muddy conditions PLENTY of times and tires keep on digging. You rarely see anybody that's owned a set of Reds say they'd rather be running a different tire...


When I grow up I'll run reds (instead of the bald IROKs I'm currently Rollin on)
TBItoy said:

When I grow up I'll run reds (instead of the bald IROKs I'm currently Rollin on)

You rocking those iroks you got from me if so those tires will take you anywhere you want to go
I guess no one on here has ran both on the same rig for a real comparison. I would be interested in that.
No way in hell I would trade my 43's for a 39. It depends on your driving style and vehicle but a 43 sx sticky is hands down the best rock bouncing tire built to date. I would like to try out a set of those 42 reds with some of the tread cut out just for shits and giggles......
I recently purchased tires. Took me about three months to decide. Look at Reds, and decided with my luck, this being the only time I would buy a set of stickies for a long time I prob would be THA one with cut sidewalls on my first ride.. I do believe they are the best tire as far as traction goes. I have witnessed a bald set of reds have no problem in loose rocks and dirt climbing hills. :****:
Then I looked at the 43's.. All that I read about them was the weight was crazy heavy. Then I started thinkin I would be the one with broken parts every time I went wheeling.. I just know my luck and didnt wanna push my luck.. I truly believe for the **** we do and terrian we have the SX is my fav..
So I went for the middle of the 2 and got treps.. Have NOT been disappointed at all! They are badass tires as the rest are also...
Really think it depends on Ur driving style. If you wanna blast **** like the bouncers.. Then SX's or Treps...
But if slow and tech **** is ur thing and u have a secret spot that no one knows about that's all rocks or live where it's mostly rock terrian the REDS or treps hands down.. I think the Treps are kjnda the best of both worlds. Not to heavy, aggressive tread.. And have strong sidewAll.. I have not one complaint about them..
ALTHOUGH .. Been Thinkin bout listing mine to see if anyone wanted to trade for some SX's.. Not because I don't like mine, I would be just fine keepin them.. It's amazing how they bite so much better than my old TSL's... I just love that dam SX!! And ground Clearence would be awesome too... Let's be real , the parks I visit round here, for the most part we hammer it up a hill, to hit one or 2 rocks ... :wtflol: out west I think u would be a ding dong to get SX's over reds. Here.. Totally different. I don't think either are a bad choice.. Just how u drive depends on the choice IMO.. You won't be disappointed in any of them man.
BUG-E J said:
No way in hell I would trade my 43's for a 39. It depends on your driving style and vehicle but a 43 sx sticky is hands down the best rock bouncing tire built to date. I would like to try out a set of those 42 reds with some of the tread cut out just for shits and giggles......
Dam Jonny: just imagine them reds with some ORI's.. You'd be in HEAVEN SON!!! :flipoff1:
I just thought righ now would be a good time to swap if I was going to because mine are still new and I really like the SX.
I'm definitely not a bouncer but I just think the SX might do a little better for when its a little muddy or loose dirt on a hill.
Re: 39 Reds VS. 43 SX swampers

Why'd I choose a BFG red label ? ... That answers simple.......

I don't suck ****

But for real, I think you made a great choice especially if you wheel a cj8. No doubt you'll be happy. Tough tire, no worries.
I think I'm pretty qualified to answer this. 99% of the guys I ride with are on the 43 SX Stickies, many are from the bouncer crowd, one guy runs the Treps, and I run Krawlers and have for years. Here's my thoughts.

The only things the Krawler gives up to the SX is ground clearance and sidewall toughness and frankly I don't think the sidewall toughness is as big as everyone makes it out to be. I've seen a lot of SXs cut that made me scratch my head. I've only ever cut one Krawler out of years of running them. A lot of it has to do with air pressure. Krawlers like more air pressure.

Anyone that says Krawlers don't work in the wet muddy stuff read that **** on the internet. They EXCEL in the wet muddy stuff. Not talking about bogging, who the **** does that anyway. But give me wet snotty rock and nasty dirt hills and I'll eat that **** up for breakfast. All day long.

The SXs are heavy as ****, so take into account your gearing and HP and driving style because there will be a difference.

The SXs are quite a bit taller than the Krawlers which means more sidewall which means more give and a little better ride. You can run lower air pressure and still hit **** harder because you have that cushion. If bouncing is your game get the SX. I beat the piss out of the Krawlers but I don't close my eyes and floor it and bounce off every rock either. In that case you need the extra height and sidewall cushion and toughness of the SX.

The Treps are a good tire, may be just slightly smaller than the Krawler and the sticky compound is not as sticky. I'd run them but they'd be my third choice behind the other two.

Krawler red label compound kills the SX sticky compound. If the SX was a 39 or if the Krawler was a 43 (ie level playing field) the Krawler would **** the SX in the ass.
Re: 39 Reds VS. 43 SX swampers

Get the sx's and we will do a tire shoot out every time we ride AND I will keep a open seat for Brittany when we drag you back to the trailer cause I think the sx's are gonna be rough on parts !!! ...Lol
redneckengineered said:
I think I'm pretty qualified to answer this. 99% of the guys I ride with are on the 43 SX Stickies, many are from the bouncer crowd, one guy runs the Treps, and I run Krawlers and have for years. Here's my thoughts.

The only things the Krawler gives up to the SX is ground clearance and sidewall toughness and frankly I don't think the sidewall toughness is as big as everyone makes it out to be. I've seen a lot of SXs cut that made me scratch my head. I've only ever cut one Krawler out of years of running them. A lot of it has to do with air pressure. Krawlers like more air pressure.

Anyone that says Krawlers don't work in the wet muddy stuff read that **** on the internet. They EXCEL in the wet muddy stuff. Not talking about bogging, who the **** does that anyway. But give me wet snotty rock and nasty dirt hills and I'll eat that **** up for breakfast. All day long.

The SXs are heavy as ****, so take into account your gearing and HP and driving style because there will be a difference.

The SXs are quite a bit taller than the Krawlers which means more sidewall which means more give and a little better ride. You can run lower air pressure and still hit **** harder because you have that cushion. If bouncing is your game get the SX. I beat the piss out of the Krawlers but I don't close my eyes and floor it and bounce off every rock either. In that case you need the extra height and sidewall cushion and toughness of the SX.

The Treps are a good tire, may be just slightly smaller than the Krawler and the sticky compound is not as sticky. I'd run them but they'd be my third choice behind the other two.

Krawler red label compound kills the SX sticky compound. If the SX was a 39 or if the Krawler was a 43 (ie level playing field) the Krawler would **** the SX in the ass.
Well put!!

kmcminn said:
It sounds like you done made your mind up. Hell for what its worth it don't matter on the perimeter trails.
no I havent made my mind up yet.
Everyone is giving apples to oranges answers, so I'm not exhausting myself with a big explanation/persuasion. I will say this, Neal, when I wheeled with yall at HPO, I feel like we were all on the same page with what we like to do when wheeling and Reds have my vote. If you're that curious about it, the only way to find out is go with the SX's. IF you did go with the SX's, you would automatically love them, because they would be such an improvement over what you're used to. But when it comes to idling up a tough crawl like some of them at HPO and making it look easy, them Reds are WAY stickier than SX's, that's a 100% fact! :dblthumb: ...but if you wanna mash yer motor, get some SX's. They're going on yer buggy, not mine, so I don't give a **** either way molaugh
Re: 39 Reds VS. 43 SX swampers

I love the reds. I did cut a couple sidewalls but since then I've increased psi to 10-11. Have not cut one since... Knock on wood. But increase in tire pressure resulted in the need to revalve shocks. Which is not that hard to do. So 'out of box ' shocks would def not be an issue with bigger squishy tires.
Someone here please run some sticky boggers :****: Thick sidewalls, thin profile, lighter weight, and damn near an inch of tread depth :driving:
39 Reds VS. 43 SX swampers

Don't know if these are the ones you are talking about, but I am running the 44x18-16.5 Boggers. They are made in India and are definitely softer than either a TSL or "normal" bogger.

BUT, they sure the hell ain't no sticky tire either.