Dear KarlVP;
Relax, my wise friend, we can't win here because these people can't think outside of the box. The biggest problem facing the modern day builder is the ability to resolve a problem, using the simpliest means at one's disposal. Most 4X4 enthusists have been indocturnated by the aftermarket to believe that carburetors are inherently inferior to FI. If they didn't do this, then who would spend the major $$$ to swap from a carb to an FI?
Why do auto manufacturers use FI now instead of carburetors? First, because they can squeeze a bit cleaner exhaust out of an FI system that can be squeezed out with a carb, but that's not the real reason. The real reason why auto builders switched from carbs to FI is because over the production span of an automobile, the FI is cheaper, both in out of pocket expenses and to install on the assembly line. Period. That's the same reason why auto manufacturers switched from leaf to c**lsprings. Because they are cheaper.
As auto technology has advanced, the backyard mechanic has been falling further behind the curve and continues to get further left behind with each new generation of automobiles. Instead of being able to modify an engine, the modern day hot rodder now changes a chip. I find this to be hilarious. But, what other options does the hot rodder have? Not many at this stage. Everything that can be done to an engine has already been done at the factory and doing things like installing a higher duration cam can't be accomplished because the engine won't run properly with it. What you buy is what you are stuck with nowdays.
The biggest argument that I hear regarding FI systems is "With my FI, my rig will run upside-down!" Welllll, la-de-da!!! First, I drive don't upside-down, but if I did I could modify a carb to run upside-down just like an FI can. What's this I hear? It can't be done??? BS! It CAN be done and it's done every day!!! Look at small aircraft. They have carbs and they are able to fly upside-down all they want to. You just have to be slightly more intelligent than whatever it is you are working on in order to be able to overcome problems.
People are inherently lazy and gullible and they respond well to what everybody else is using. When enough people starting doing something, or using something, then it becomes valid, whether it's actually valid or not. For example, people now seem to think that aluminum radiators cool more efficently than brass ones do. Nothing could be further than the truth! There is no way that aluminum can absorb and displace heat more effiecently than brass can. It is an physical impossibility! However, due to some very slick sales techniques, the aftermarket aluminum radiator manufacturers have convinced the gullible public that they do. After they've sold enough units, then it becomes valid in the minds of the enthusists. I find this to be absolutely incredible! People just refuse to sit down for a few minutes and think things out because of ignorance or laziness. They have convinced themselves that a $500.00 aluminum radiator is cooling their rigs better than a $200.00 brass radiator can do, because they need a reason to justify the exhorbiant cost of the aluminum radiator in the first place.
Our befuddled friend, 03RUBICON has allowed himself to become a victim of this ploy and it's obvious that he's now absolutely convinced himself that if he uses a carburetor, he will die. Therefore, he continues to pound his head against that brick wall, trying to repair something when the simple fix is well within his grasp. I find this to be comical and I get a lot of laughs from peoples' ignorance. It's just amazing! I guess if enough people state something then over time, it must be true! C**lsprings flex better than leafsprings!!! BS!!! A spring is a spring is a spring, ad infinium! One type does NOT flex any better or worse than the other!!! The both can do the exact same job!!! The only difference is that you need use a slightly different method in order to get 100% articulation from a leafspring than you do for a c**lspring. Why people refuse to grasp this basic simple concept is beyond my reasoning.
Your friend;