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4.3 Wiring question...

Well since everyone else is raping the thread, what about on a 2001? :flipoff: And what are my options for an ECU since it seems the guy I bought the motor from lost it...
No the puter is a 95 and so is the wiring. This is for my buggy. I just need to get it running with the bare minimum.
Unit said:
crash i too have 4.3l vortec from a 95 astro van. I got the harness stripped/labeled and ready to be hooked up. Is there a list some where of what needs to be hooked up and what can be ditched?

All you really need is constant voltage to the orange and ignition to the pinks. Now this is very simplistic... Now the harness can be streamlined a bit but not a whole lot....
Unit said:
Yo Wazz its me Graeme(sold you the MT/Rs)

So hear is the deal, I bought the motor from Bud and got the motor, ecm, and harness. So far i got the harness laided out and pluged in. Turns out the motor is a 95(spider style injection(6)) with a 97 block. Harness/computer match the motor. I am not a wiring guy what so ever so you gotta bear with me. Do i need to plug in a charcall(SP?) canister? Or can i bypass it?

You can toss the canister--that system is not advance evap....
skrause said:
Well since everyone else is raping the thread, what about on a 2001? :flipoff: And what are my options for an ECU since it seems the guy I bought the motor from lost it...

DO what trevor said 96/97 vcm....
Yeah for the canister

So i have been going through the whole harness and have everything pluged in and have the wires labeled that need power and that are not pluged in. I gotta a lot of questions, answer at will. PS i hate wires just to this step and wanna rally her already.

The plug with the DLC, check engine, etc do i need this?

There is a plug with a Grey, Purple, and Black/white that i can find where is goes.

Also the plug with with green, 2 purples, tan?, brown what is this for? I was thinking it was for seat belt sensor(brown), brake pedel sensor(1 purple) and other inside crap. is this true?

Thanks for you help guys this is for this little project.
crash said:
DO what trevor said 96/97 vcm....

You're gonna open up a whole can of worms trying to use that puter with that new of a harness. After 98 they moved a bunch of pins around in the computer end of the harness. You can make an 01 harness work with a 96-97 computer, but you are gonna need diagrams for both.
crash said:
All you really need is constant voltage to the orange and ignition to the pinks. Now this is very simplistic... Now the harness can be streamlined a bit but not a whole lot....

Don't forget the tan going to the computer, and the tan going to the alt. to excite it. :flipoff:
ALDLC imo is a must have

the fuel pump relay gets kinda tricky to wire it corectly

I know I know, you just wanna hear it run right now

get me the VIN
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Trevor said:
You're gonna open up a whole can of worms trying to use that puter with that new of a harness. After 98 they moved a bunch of pins around in the computer end of the harness. You can make an 01 harness work with a 96-97 computer, but you are gonna need diagrams for both.

That one is imbeded into my brain--kinda like yours :; Shane will be hooked up when that time comes
Unit said:
Yeah for the canister

So i have been going through the whole harness and have everything pluged in and have the wires labeled that need power and that are not pluged in. I gotta a lot of questions, answer at will. PS i hate wires just to this step and wanna rally her already.

The plug with the DLC, check engine, etc do i need this?

There is a plug with a Grey, Purple, and Black/white that i can find where is goes.

Also the plug with with green, 2 purples, tan?, brown what is this for? I was thinking it was for seat belt sensor(brown), brake pedel sensor(1 purple) and other inside crap. is this true?

Thanks for you help guys this is for this little project.

As wazz said--you really want to keep the dlc just in case you have to dignose anything with the motor.... And being as how its a CPI motor you REALLY want that DLC...

On the wires can you trace them back into the pcm?
Trevor said:
You're gonna open up a whole can of worms trying to use that puter with that new of a harness. After 98 they moved a bunch of pins around in the computer end of the harness. You can make an 01 harness work with a 96-97 computer, but you are gonna need diagrams for both.
crash said:
That one is imbeded into my brain--kinda like yours :; Shane will be hooked up when that time comes
:corn: :corn: :clappy: :clappy: :clappy: :clappy: :cheer: :cheer:

I should be ordering my bellhousing pretty soon and am planning on setting this beyatch up on a crude test stand for a quick function test before I commit to the swap this winter.
I need to try one of them PCM programers, and see what there really is in there to download at $20 per rig for 24hrs.

hey, Crash do you use mostly the tech2 or a genaric scan tool at work?
wazz said:
I need to try one of them PCM programers, and see what there really is in there to download at $20 per rig for 24hrs.

hey, Crash do you use mostly the tech2 or a genaric scan tool at work?

Both--Mainly a tech-2 but I also have a snap on scanner
skrause said:
But will that plug into my 2001 harness?

It depends. The older computers were black with 4 main plugs on it (and one small little guy on certain applications). Somewhere around mid 2001 gm went to the delphi computer. It is silver with 2 long skinny plugs on it.