I've had a few. The 08 I had was a rubicon, 3.8, auto, 4.10's, 35's and you would nearly get run over in it. It was terrible on the highway and any type of incline. I didn't keep it long.
The 2012 was just a sport, 3.6, auto, 3.21's, 35's and it was night and day difference from the old 2008 Rubicon. It drove great and had plenty of power for what it was. Around 35k it did have the common head problem and it was fixed under warranty and never had another issue, current owner has around 80k and it's never gave him another problem.
The first 2012's when they swapped to the 3.6 some did have the head problem, I know a few that also had them with the 2012's. This is the only year I'm aware of but once it's fixed your usually good.
I have a 2015 now and it's just a sport, 3.6, auto, 3.73 (some have 3.73's btw) and 37's and it pulls them fine. I was worried about it being a turd before I put the 37's on it but its not at all and does well with them.
Hills, interstate incline anything it does fine. I will say I put a AEV procal programmer on to fix the shifting for the 37's, I drove it awhile before I put that on there and that was probably the best thing I done. Highly recommend the procal. Transmission doesn't shift near as much and stays in gear and doesn't search around for what gear it should be in.