nice cant wait to see what you think up this time:stirpot: . when do you suspect it will make its debut?:corn:
I got some shiny things from the brown santa! :cheer:
where's this t/case 6 weeks my ass.:masturbanana[1]:
I just talked to STaK and Tony said that it will ship next thurs-friday. here's hopeing.
On a diferent note I dont think this will be a "4ruggy buggy" anymore. I dont think I will be using my square tube frame and I dont think I'm using any of the 4runner anymore. I made the mistake of looking at my FJ40 hulks again and I think I will use the hood and grill off of one of those insted. What the hell eh? I'm going all out on everything else so why even bother starting with anything.
Oh and I decided that the V6 isnt gona be enuf. I want panic-button fun power so I'm sourcing a LS1. :masturbanana[1]: Watching Carl's LS6 spool up the 38's made me wet myself :awesomework:
Actually I stole it from you and improved upon it, then he stole it from me. :fawkdancesmiley:Stealing my ideas i see.
Actually I stole it from you and improved upon it, then he stole it from me. :fawkdancesmiley:
Huh? There has been idea stealing, but it will still be totaly TB-F. I've wanted a FJ since who knows when and I just cant pass upa opurtunity to (sorta) build one. It's gona be diferent, it's gona be cool, and it aint gona look like anything else out there :;