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4 to 1 Gears

True-twin-stick gives you that, too.

IMO there is no reason to run a case that can't do true-twin-stick. That rules our chains (:rb:) and offset rear output (:rb:) cases. There are plenty of cases available that offer true-twin-stick-ability. The only things those "other" cases are good for is pavement pounders and doublers. Oh, and paper weights :D
That's akin to saying there's no reason to run a non-selectable locker.

I can think of a couple good reasons to run a non-true-twin-stickable transfer case... it's cheaper and easier not to run one on a rig that didn't have one stock. :D
i will have to go look under the jeep later on today i cant remember what kind of transmission i have right now. I might have the 18 but i doubt it im pretty sure whoever had it last decided to "upgrade" to i wanna say a T20 but not completley sure but apprently that was a downgrade lol

Anybody got a T18 with 6.32:1 gears in it i can buy?
You'd know if you had a T18a (that's the one with the 6.32:1). The first gear is so low that most people never use it on the street.

Also, first gear is unsynchronized. The only trannies you'll often run into with unsynchro'ed first gears are the heavy duty four speeds with granny gears... T18, SM420/465, NP435, etc...
i will have to go look under the jeep later on today i cant remember what kind of transmission i have right now. I might have the 18 but i doubt it im pretty sure whoever had it last decided to "upgrade" to i wanna say a T20 but not completley sure but apprently that was a downgrade lol
IIRC, from the pictures you've posted, you ain't got no T18. Plus, if you had one, x-case gears would be way further down on your list of needs.

Anybody got a T18 with 6.32:1 gears in it i can buy?
Down boy! Down!

You don't want just any old T18. You need one that will attach to your engine and to your x-case. Most likely either a Jeep CJ one (T18a), or a Ford truck one plus parts from a Scout tranny.

The Jeep one is easier, but hard to find and expensive. I'll leave it at that. If you find one and want to pay, then it's pretty easy.

The Ford one is easy to find and cheaper, but takes more work. Here's how it works. You need the Ford tranny, the two-wheel-drive version (sounds odd, but it's true). It obviously has to be the 6.32:1 version, which is very common. Then you need parts from a Scout T18. This is also easy to find and dirt cheap, because you can use a 4:1 tranny which are paper weights in the 4x4 world. You have to drill and tap new holes into the rear of the Ford case to accept the Scout x-case adapter. You need to put the main shaft from the Scout tranny into the Ford tranny.

You also need to keep in mind the "other" stuff you'll have to do, because the T18 is longer than what you have now (most likely). You'll need to have your rear drive line shortened, and you'll need to build a longer one for up front. You'll need to build a tranny mount and cross member. There's probly a few other things that escape me ATM.

Why a T18, as apposed to other granny gear options? Simple. It is hands down the cheapest tranny you can do. You won't need any expensive after market adapters (well, not sure about the engine end actually). Also, it's one of the shortest. Most other options have a much longer x-case adapter; the T18 - Dana20 adapter is only about an inch thick. As you know, short is important when you have the wheelbase of an RC car.

Why should you do all this work when you could just spend a couple hundred more and buy a Jeep tranny? This is one of the best swaps you can do in terms of experience. You should be able to tear down and rebuild your own tranny with your eyes closed. Do this swap, and you'll be able to do it in your sleep while riding a pink pony to the whore house.

Hit Google and start reading up on this stuff. There are several write ups out there about T18's, and in particular the swap I described.
Don't bother "upgrading" to another stick trans when you'll need to junk it for a auto later. Swap the D-18 T case for a D-300 or some expensive aftermarket stuff.
hmmm well i just rebuilt the tranny i have now so doing stuff inside a transmission doesnt bother me much as long as its a manual (havent done an auto yet) i think at this point though i will just get a replacement case for what i have now (this one is cracked on the bottom) and call it good cause im in dire need of some wheeling and i think this will eb the quickest way back to the trail.

And while i take the cheap route now im buying a new motor, tranny, transfer case axels and such this winter for a major over haul
are you looking for a new tranny case?? you have the t90 in your rig right??

I have a couple of those laying around, if you want one for a rebuild let me know..
no im looking for a dana 18 transer case case (if that makes sence) it has a crack in the bottom of it