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54" Boggers

Actually I was building the Willys for tuff truck events like Cranberry Lake and Monroe Prison Break, but those no longer happen. Some of the most capable vehicles I have ever seen have had 47"+ tires like ODs Toy, Robins buggy on 49" Irocs and 54" Michelins, this purple Chey with 30" of lift and 49" Irocs that defied logic, and my Ford on 48" Michelins that was my daily driver and I wheeled almost every weekend. Just because a rig has big tires doesnt mean it cant wheel, they just have to be built to handle the big rubber.


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I just said that as you seem to be into mud more than anything else and thats what I thought you built it for... no need to get your panties in a bunch. Your fab work has to be the best around.:awesomework:
I would rather wheel places that require skill than just driving through mud. Repacking wheel bearings and pressure washing your interior is no fun. This chev was running 2 1/2 ton Rockwells and did all the mudholes no one else could make, did some 6' vertical ledge climbs, than jumped it four times, with stock leafsprings (all rears) and didnt break anything.:scratchhead:


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The only people who do not like big tires have not had them, They are FUN. FUN,FUN.....there are a few 44" and 47" tire guys out there...chime in, you love them or wish you had 39.5 tires?

I have a brand new set of 49's and new staz rims waiting for my lil turd. I can guarantee that in all around wheeling I'm untouchable........it's a no contest, you have already lost. you might be able to get up 1 or 2 climbs easier than me(but Istll bounce up them), but try to follow me and your ****ed (unless I'm draggin you through mud, root, boulders ect.....

I once more have to say the military Mcheilns are the worst ever used in our sport completely useless. Anyone that says different is ignorant(that means you just know better, not that your dumb)
cant turn em yet, but the thought is like a morning dream with the olson twins, grrrrr
soo the guy did things no one else could do and.....sorry what was youre point?
44" now plan on 47" next....This Big Small debate that will start has been gone over mamy tmes.......It is not the tire that tears **** up it is the person driving.:stirpot:
There is a Toyota in Puyallup that has 54" Boggers, it was at the 4x4 swap meet.
I once more have to say the military Mcheilns are the worst ever used in our sport completely useless. Anyone that says different is ignorant(that means you just know better, not that your dumb)

maybe I am ignorant, but I feel this is shot my way. I am in my whole truck less than you have in those 49s and stazworks rims. I dont have a huge income/budget. so my choice was made strictly because of price. it is a mud truck and sees mud, not rails, not rocks, not hillclimbs. cheap mud entertainment, thats all. and yes they eat all the power my healthy smallblock has to turn them, but they go just fine. I am not unhappy. I sold my 44tsls for enough to buy both rockwells and two sets of michelins.

I have a trail rig too. it has 38tsls and soon to be 42SXs. I would never put them on my wheeler, weight is a concern.

robin, maybe you remember, I think it was last year. the big 4 door red jeep at top truck challenge? he had 53 inch michelins and a 350SBC, he smoked an older (60s) ford truck with a bigblock on juice with 44 boggers that had every other paddle cut off. the ford was set up fopr mud draggin with light tires and BIG power even coils and links, couldnt beat the ol $600 tires through the mud. sad huh.

if somebody has a set of 47 ltbs that they want to trade for 8 new michelins, then pm me. untill then Ill keep rockin my tires that dont work!:beer:


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There is a Toyota in Puyallup that has 54" Boggers, it was at the 4x4 swap meet.

those were the first set sold in washington, they were installed at my shop side by side with a 16.00 and they were smaller. they were ugly they look half worn out when new.:booo:

this is what gets me. the thread was abou the new bogger not 49s, 47s, 16.00s/53s. but now folks are comparing them to others.

as a comp tire they suck, hands down suck. not even close to a 44 bogger. its treads are half as tall as a 44 bogger, its heavier, it doesnt even have scooped lugs. IMO garbage for mud drags.

as a show tire, which is what they were produced for (indy jambo ring a bell?), they suck. they are ugly, they look like a beach ball with lugs vulcanized on them, puffy looking like a 49 iroc. the lugs look like they stole them off of a 32 bogger:rolleyes: and they dont even measure what the sidewall says, liars:eeek: . they are very expensive too.

a show truck has to look good and be big, if you like the bogger and have a ton of loot, then go for it.:awesomework: but if a worthless truck needs worthless tires, id go for the cheaper "worthless".:awesomework:
My Chev on 54" Boggers VS anything you have Brad. Lets set a date and talk to Annie about going to the far side of the property where Don and his brother made the mud holes deep with dynamite.
My Chev on 54" Boggers VS anything you have Brad. Lets set a date and talk to Annie about going to the far side of the property where Don and his brother made the mud holes deep with dynamite.

back to back truck pulls:awesomework: you down?:beer:
Brad says: "those were the first set sold in washington"

Prove it:flipoff:

Brad says:" its treads are half as tall as a 44 bogger, its heavier, it doesnt even have scooped lugs."

The tread depth is 27/32", almost an inch deep, and deeper than a 44", yes it is heavier because they are 10" taller, and yes, the lugs ARE scooped.:flipoff:

Brad says: "the lugs look like they stole them off of a 32 bogger and they dont even measure what the sidewall says, liars ."

I searched Four Wheel Parts and National Tire and Wheel and did not see a 32" Bogger, am I missing it? Show me a tire made by Interco that measures what the sidewall says.:flipoff:

I already challenged you to a bumper to bumper pull off in a mud bog and you didnt show :looser:
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Brad says: "those were the first set sold in washington"

Prove it:flipoff:

Brad says:" its treads are half as tall as a 44 bogger, its heavier, it doesnt even have scooped lugs."

The tread depth is 27/32, almost an inch deep, and deeper than a 44", yes it is heavier because they are 10" taller, and yes, the lugs ARE scooped.:flipoff:

Brad says: "the lugs look like they stole them off of a 32 bogger and they dont even measure what the sidewall says, liars ."

I searched Four Wheel Parts and National Tire and Wheel and did not see a 32" Bogger, am I missing it? Show me a tire made by Interco that measures what the sidewall says.:flipoff:

I already offered to do a bumper to bumper pull off and you didnt show :looser: