Well-Known Member
If you guys plan on doing a run the beginning of December count me in.
Its confirmed !! Kev, can you change the date on your post -- we will be going Sunday November 18th. Meet at Chair 9 in Glacier for a all-you-can-eat buffet around 8:30, I plan to leave there by 9am and be aired down at the start by 9:30.
Looking at the long range forecasts, a run December 1st is all but impossible. Thanksgiving week is looking to be quite stormy and with avg to below avg temperatures. This means a freezing level of around 3500ft, making it pretty impossible to get past the 2nd switchback.
Can't make the 18th but if the Dec 1st run materializes (and I don
:eeek: I never set a date on the original post! You need to change all your posts with dates in them! :fawkdancesmiley: :redneck:Its confirmed !! Kev, can you change the date on your post -- we will be going Sunday November 18th. Meet at Chair 9 in Glacier for a all-you-can-eat buffet around 8:30, I plan to leave there by 9am and be aired down at the start by 9:30.
Just so everyone knows I will attempt a trip up on decemeber first cause thats when i can go as well as a lot of others so if you still wanna go but cant this weekend we will do another trip the 1st
You know I'll be there I think Alex and some others wanna try as well. I'm keeping my eyes out on the low snow level. If the Berm goes up at the ranger station, no one is allowed up.
You're plated/insured Mike??? ... If so, then you're good...As for trailer parking, there's a couple options, one is just off the highway 1/4 mile if the snow hasn't flown that low yet---or 1/4 mile up the highway is another parking area that the sno-park uses once the snow's low enough to use! :clappy: