Worked on this thing again last night.
Sprayed starting fluid underneath intake and around throttle body, no change.
Tested current knock sensors and put one on the side of the block with extended harness, no change.
Injector leak down test again, all with in 3 lbs. Drop to 47-50 on gauge. If there was trash in one, you would think it would show itself.
Fuel pressure checked again, when loaded, FP increases and then comes down once off load.
02's checked again, no change.
Checked grounds, un hooked harness from computer and tested with power probe.
Swapped all coil packs on bank 1, no change.
Swapped pedal module, no change.
Replaced crank pos. sensor, no change.
I was gonna swap the fuel pump b/c I have a spare but I forgot it at home.
I'm getting a different computer to try today at lunch and see what happens. After that I'll tear into the fuel system but with the fuel pressure and leak down tests seeming to be good, I wouldn't think it would be fuel system related but at this point

Another thing was, while we were working on it, the throttle pedal became unresponsive. We swapped the control module and it started working. Swapped back to original and still worked. Only other time I've had that happen was during an ECORS race, we got some water in the intake and I had to shut of the disconnect for the computer to reset and then back in action. Then Jessica Huffman's Diddy put a Milo's sweat tea jug over the filter and we finished the race.