Okay story to go along with said picture.
Coming down from twin lakes we ran across a Nissan SUV stuck in the ditch with a ford ranger on the other side of the road from it (driver of ranger was nowhere around) and there is nowhere to get a vehicle between them. Behind the stuck SUV is a Honda CRV full of "hippies" who are reading directions on how to put on chains mind you.....
So we find the guy with the stuck Nissan and tell him we are more than willing to help him get out of his perdiciment and he was super nice and more than happy to get some help as he was pretty well screwed (and knew it he had been down the hill looking for someone to help him out already). So we tow him out of the ditch and get him straightened out to back down to the nearest spot to turn around no biggie. This si where the "hippies" started to make us frustrated (not angry quite yet). They say well now hes out of the ditch why can we just pull up beside this ranger and he can go by and we can get on our way (they seemed to be in a hurry to get up the hill from the start). Our response was well if you get stuck now we have no way of getting you guys pulled out and the road will be totally blocked. They agreed and backed down to a spot to turn around and go down further from there so we all (mind you there is 12 of us + the dude who was stuck needing to get by and back down at this point) can get by and then they could continue up at there own pace. All was good at this point we were slightly frustrated with them but they seemed to work with us.
Well the guy backs down to the best closest place to turn around and these "hippies" had backed themselves into that spot, so he got out and asked them very nicely if they could just go down further so he could turn around and safely get down the hill instead of backing down another mile or so. They refused to move and told him to just back down it would be fine. So he walked back to us looking for guidance saying how they wouldn't move. While this was going on at least one of the "hippies" was shaking his head in disgust at the guy (who had been very nice and polite). So at this point we were very angry! My buddy Jason hopped out of his rig and stormed down there, I followed just in case and basically told them that they were being POS's for trying to make the poor guy back down the hill when all they had to do was go down to the next wide spot and then come back up, they again refused. He then decided he was being too nice and said if you don't get in your car and move I will sash every single one of your faces in until you do move or I move your car for you, they gave him some more lip but seemed to be ready to move now he continued to tell them if they didn't move they were in for a world of hurt whilst moving closer and closer. they finally gave in and moved but coped an attitude about it.
Was super lame it was a simple problem that they turned into a pain in the ass.
So we got the guy turned around and he was super greatful that we had helped him and his GF out and they motored on down the hill.
There was another rig stuck where we turned him around, a big suburban with two rather cute girls driving it (while the hippies were getting a talking to they looked a little freaked out lol). So once we got the one rig down the hill we went ahead and pulled the suburban out and got them turned around as well and they too were very grateful we had come along and they motored down the hill.
So we continued down the hill and my buddy Jason (with me riding shotgun) when we got to the where the "hippies" had pulled over stopped to say he didn't want to be a **** like that but basically they forced him to do it by being very rude (and he was very nice about it). Well all but one guy understood and he piped up with a well you didn't have to be such a f'ing ass about it and once again made Jason and myself pretty angry and he returned with if you had just f'ing moved in the first place this never would have happened. So we can either settle this right now and you can apologize or im gonna beat your f'ing ass, they didn't want any of that so the cowardly apologized and we took off.
Totally ridiculous just trying to help somebody out and all they were thinking about was themselves nothing else little pricks. Hope they ended up stuck with nobody to help them out! Grrrrr
Slightly condensed version of the story and language left out, it got pretty harsh lol