Well-Known Member
We should be there around 9-9:30.
SRgould41 is the only person I think I know, but it would be great to run with some others on this forum.
Anybody else want to meet around 8:30am at the staging area?
I'm in the white fzj80 (soccer mom land cruiser) all chopped and beat to heck. SRgould41 is in the green FJ40.
Apparently I'm a little too eager to get on the trail early... it might have had something to do with 92deg heat and no AC. :tumbleweed:
We will be at the staging area at 9:30am.
Gavin and Nick better have some damn bacon cooked when I get there.
I'm gonna try to be at the west side lot on 70 at around 8. Gavin and Nick better have some damn bacon cooked when I get there.
I saw signs for two different groups. Could have been one event, dunno...