i did a little cut and burn on my real estate. now where there was once wedge bushings and panhard bar mounts and leaf perches, there is clean!
let me tell you, there is definitely a right way and a wrong way to take the wedges off. i think i found all of the wrong ways before i found the easy way. it seems they are only welded at the very top and the very bottom, not around the tube at all. so all you really need to do is cut the welds off, and they fall right off. and of course my 14b had the cast perches, i guess that is what i get for saying they were a piece of cake to take off. anyways, they put up a little fight but i won in the end.
getting back on topic, the night was still young so i kept on working. i threw my spring up for those that were wondering. just imagine it a little more off the axle tube height wise.
anyways, i busted out the old sharpie and tape measure and started mapping out where everything was going. my spring plates are about as wide as they can be on the axle, they are touching the welds for the inner c. i did this so i can have room for my upper link tower on the drivers side next to the pumpkin.
i soon realized that i still didnt have much room on the short side, so i made a executive decision to run the link tower partially on the cast pumpkin. i did this so i would have good room to get good welds on all the components.
this meant that i had to fit one of the link tower sides to the housing. i used a piece of cardboard to make a template.
here is the final shape
here it is fitted to the housing
i went ahead and started tacking things on to get a better idea of how it will all work together.
you can see my caster and my pinion angle in the last pic, that is how it will be in the truck. caster is dialed in at 6* and the pinion points up nicely.