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90's throw back....Manche build

Re: Re: Re: Re: 90's throw back....Manche build

LightBnDr said:
My only concern is how terrible that's gonna look after a year or so of abuse. . . . . :)

Holy smokes. I love the fab work. I think the trailing arm idea and invention is like automatic transmission fluid passage technology. It's just super cool.

Keep it up. I really enjoy the build

jk101 said:
You using 6061 or 7075? Whit 7075 that will get expensive.
7075, I'm in the recycling business, have some great customers who extend me great pricing...less than a Benjamin per 12' stick.

Thanks jk
onepieceatatime said:
His fab skills are so good he's literally fabbing a way to hide money.

Sent from my SM-G930T using Tapatalk
Lmfao...I wish.

Putting my hi def, 3d, auto- tracing, plasma cad table to use...







One down, one to go....these are labor intensive when every thing is cut and cleaned/prepped for welding by hand....whew









Re: Re: 90's throw back....Manche build

jp fan said:
drool drool drool :dblthumb: Awesome fab work
Thanks jp
jk101 said:
Looks good. What does one of them weight with all that steel and aluminum in it? drool

From nc4x4;

[quote uid=1339 name="SPOA87YJ" post=1480069]Nice work going on here. Working in the measurement industry.....what does that arm weigh?! Just curious.[/QUOTE]
Here ya go!

40" eye to eye. Roughly 33" of 2"x250. less than 1 sqft of 3/16 cr. Roughly 2 sqft 1/8 cr. All p&o.

Lighter than I imagined frankly, @ 33.6.


This is a spare front link, 29.5" jamb to jamb of 2"x250, @ 17.6. And if I recollect, my 2" 7075 links that I put on the buggy to replace these were just a pound or two less.


So overall, roughly a 35 lb gain over simply running 2"x250 dom links for the rear lowers. Since my uppers are only going to be 1.75x120 versus the 2" as previously on the buggy, I'd say it's a wash on the rear.

Another nc member did some more math

[quote uid=12432 name="mcutler" post=1480139]So overall, roughly a 35 lb gain over simply running 2"x250 dom links for the rear lowers. Since my uppers are only going to be 1.75x120 versus the 2" as previously on the buggy, I'd say it's a wash on the rear.[/QUOTE]

It's actually only 20# more for the pair.

Going off your 30" long 2" link, it's .58 pounds per inch of link, so a 40" link should weigh about 23.5 pounds. So 10.1# more per link to get the trailing arms in the first picture. And the trailing arms are massively stronger.


As far a the jigging goes; using the 2" rectangle and 2"dom made keeping it straight easy. After every weld cooled I check the link bolts, to make sure I can spin or slide them.



From DR;

[quote name="Josh40601" post=3891217]Are you going with just a single coilover on the trailing arm? That thing looks awesome, and like a pain in the ass to build. lol[/quote]

Yes, building to 4800 legend ultra 4 class whether I race or not: single shock per corner. But, I can easily add bypasses behind the c/o. Nothing a little fabrication can't fix. My jig I made definetly paid off. She's straight, and flat on top. Before I took it off the jig, I preloaded downward pressure, because it was climbing. Then once I pulled it from the jig and on the table to weld the bottom, she pulled back down nicely!

It was definetly a lot of work. Obviously the second will go MUCH faster, due to templates are made and the brainstorming is done. Have nearly 20 hrs in this one. Hope to have less than 12 in number two.




Only hangs down 2" more than 2" dom link, but the lowest part is behind the leading edge of the tire.


Re: Re: 90's throw back....Manche build

5BrothersFabrication said:
Dooooood!!! I love it!!!

Any reason you chose a heim at the axle over a bushing? Heims at both ends kinda scares me... :dunno:

Thanks man. We've been discussing this at length on pie rat.

I've talked to some good sources who say no problem, with the shock lower than the heims. I'm going to make some bushings to put over the heims at the frame and throw them in my tuning box. When I start tuning the shocks, if I start to notice any issues, I'll pop them on.

Re: Re: 90's throw back....Manche build

mcutler said:
Thanks man. We've been discussing this at length on pie rat.

I've talked to some good sources who say no problem, with the shock lower than the heims. I'm going to make some bushings to put over the heims at the frame and throw them in my tuning box. When I start tuning the shocks, if I start to notice any issues, I'll pop them on.


Gonna chop them out of some uhmw?

I made a set for my arms, just as cheap insurance. My shock eyes are almost 1.5" below center line. Everything says they should be fine without them, but my arms are fully fabricated out of plate and have a pretty wide flat on the bottom. Since mine are going to drag everywhere, I was slightly worried about them rolling over when they hit the top of a pointed rock.
Making progress on arm #2. Nothing really new to photograph....other than getting one shock roughly placed. True sleeper...Shock not visible from side profile.





Nice! The way you like to overcomplicate things, that upper shock mount is gonna be awesome. As I scroll down and look at your photos, I'm thinking to myself, "Why is that little insignificant part made of 17 pieces and have 20 hours tied up in it?" Then I scroll down to the part finished and on the chassis and I say, "Totally worth it." :dblthumb:
This thing is cool as **** and you've got some amazing fabrication skills. I'm just glad I don't have to drive it. The lack of leg room....... Wow that thing looks uncomfortable. Is this thing for race or fun? Such as intricate build. I love watching your build threads.
Re: Re: 90's throw back....Manche build

5BrothersFabrication said:
Nice! The way you like to overcomplicate things, that upper shock mount is gonna be awesome. As I scroll down and look at your photos, I'm thinking to myself, "Why is that little insignificant part made of 17 pieces and have 20 hours tied up in it?" Then I scroll down to the part finished and on the chassis and I say, "Totally worth it." :dblthumb:

Thanks 5 bros. Gotta say, I'm excited about working on the upper shock mounts, front and rear. Should be pretty slick.

24 pieces to be exact, counting the thread in bungs :P

Don't know if you saw my dana 60 truss on the buggy, it was over 60 pieces....glutton for punishment...it's a sickness


pholmann said:
This thing is cool as **** and you've got some amazing fabrication skills. I'm just glad I don't have to drive it. The lack of leg room....... Wow that thing looks uncomfortable. Is this thing for race or fun? Such as intricate build. I love watching your build threads.

Hope to race, but not right away probably, the build will eat up most of the budget for the remainder of this year. Building to ultra 4-4800 class spec.

Should be able to make the next hardline ride in the spring. Hopefully we can all meet, you can try out the cabin. I think you'd be pleasantly surprised at the comfort level. It's the getting in and out that sucks, but I'm going to put a swing out on the door bar. I can say I wouldn't want to drive it cross country, but an all day trail ride it shouldn't be any worse than my buggy was.

Thanks pholman!

Something like this


Here's the footwell of my buggy for reference.


My buggy is kind of a pain to get in and out of but comfy once you birth into it. My last buggy was a little cramped on the foot room. This one is much better. The passenger can be 6'8" and stretch out. The driver wouldn't be comfy over 6'3 but doable.