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9K winches


-Oh no I picked a side-
Mar 26, 2001
Reaction score
Da gold bar
Ok so the winch game has changed since I bought my ramsey soo many years ago and its time for a new one.

I was hoping to hold off until next year to replace my winch on my revamp of the toy but I think mine is about done..

I was looking at something with a decent line speed with non integrated solenoids because it will be down in the chassis once its redone..

So whats out there now?
The best is still the 8274. It pulls far harder than it's rated. Downside is it's odd shape, and it's price. But a man of your skills won't have any trouble finding a well used one on CL or NWW and simply rebuilding it. Warn still has all the parts necessary, and they're not expensive, except for the motors. And motors can be sourced aftermarket.
The 8274 is awesome. I have had motors for them rebuilt by local electric shops and they were around $100 IIRC.
I agree that the 8274 is a great winch. too big and looking for a m9000 sized unit.
Hi all,

Mike, I have been running a Superwinch X9 for 15 years on my FJ40 with good results.

I used the Warn 9000 low-mount a number of times back in the 1990s without any issues.

If you are looking for a lower cost winch, talk with Tor about the Comeup brand electric winches (he is a dealer.)


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If you are looking for a lower cost winch, talk with Tor about the Comeup brand electric winches (he is a dealer.)

I've got a Comeup Seal 9.5i, I have been really happy with it. It pulls really well and has good line speed.
Warn 9000m is the best choice for what you want to do.
You know which one I have,but I haven't had it that long but the solenoid pack is seperate
I have had great experience with smittybuilt winches, had a first gen 8 k on the yj race rig, many hard pulls, including dead engine vertical rock wall pulls at the hammers.
Warn, other then the 8274, are all overpriced. SHITTTBILT are cheap and fairly good.....but I would buy two just in case :cheer:. Have not personally tried engo but heard ok things. Superwinch can be had for a decent deal, buddy of mien swears by them. That is pretty much it. I will always stick to my 8274. Pulls harder and faster then by buddies zeon warn thing.
Cheap and OK, Smittybuilt. DONT manhandle the handle. Good for the money. None of the other under $600 import winches are any better.

Good fast and expensive but can be had for cheap if your thrifty, WARN upright. Its commercial quality and strength. Big ugly and heavy, but small trade offs.

The only compact laydowns I think compare with the Warn upright are the hydraulic laydowns.
i got a used xd9000 that had a bad brake assembly and for the same cost as a cheap winch im up and running again. in my opinion a rebuilt (yourself) warn is still better

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