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A slippery (and expensive) slope...


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2006
Woo... I dipped into the savings account today and ordered an Edge Juice w/Attitude, FASS 150gph system, and a Vulcan Draw Straw for the tank, all for my '02 Dodge. I'm excited... but not so excited that I have to drop my tank for the install of the Draw Straw.

This should cure my fuel delivery problems for good... then I'll be tempted to turn the edge box up, and pretty soon it'll be new clutch and 5th gear nut fix time. :D

Just wanted to give you all the heads up.... Eric @ Vulcan Performance is the man... he knows this stuff inside and out and took the time to answer all of my silly questions. He's even giving me a good deal on some replacement filters for the FASS system for later on. :clappy:
NotMatt said:
Woo... I dipped into the savings account today and ordered an Edge Juice w/Attitude, FASS 150gph system, and a Vulcan Draw Straw for the tank, all for my '02 Dodge. I'm excited... but not so excited that I have to drop my tank for the install of the Draw Straw.

This should cure my fuel delivery problems for good... then I'll be tempted to turn the edge box up, and pretty soon it'll be new clutch and 5th gear nut fix time. :D

Just wanted to give you all the heads up.... Eric @ Vulcan Performance is the man... he knows this stuff inside and out and took the time to answer all of my silly questions. He's even giving me a good deal on some replacement filters for the FASS system for later on. :clappy:

You physically do not need the draw straw and the 90gph FASS pump would have been more than enough...I allready looked into all that stuff and dropping the tank to install a bigger p/u for the sake of it being bigger was more work that I wanted to do.

Did you buy the complete FASS system or just the pump?
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Jobless said:
You physically do not need the draw straw and the 90gph FASS pump would have been more than enough...I allready looked into all that stuff and dropping the tank to install a bigger p/u for the sake of it being bigger was more work that I wanted to do.

Did you buy the complete FASS system or just the pump?

Complete system. I ordered the 150gph because I don't know what my future plans are for the truck. Obviously right now I'm not going to go crazy making horsepower, but the price difference for the two kits is within 50 bucks, so I figured I'd "overkill it" with the 150gph for now, so I'm not kicking myself down the road for taking the cheaper "adequate" way out. The 150gph kit recommends the Draw Straw. I could probably get away without it, but if I need the extra "oomph" of the 150gph kit down the road, then I'd need to install the draw straw then anyway.

I have a habit of half-assing things and then regretting it later. I promised myself I wouldn't do that with this truck, it's going to be mine for a long time and it's going to have to last that long, and I want to be happy with all the modifications I make. If that means spending a bit of extra money/time/effort now so I'm still happy with it later, so be it.
rickibrat2 said:
better add the price of a bewtter trannie and clutch too

Clutch money is set aside already... but I haven't been planning on a complete new tranny YET... 5th gear nut does need fixing though. :D
NotMatt said:
Clutch money is set aside already... but I haven't been planning on a complete new tranny YET... 5th gear nut does need fixing though. :D

Don't just fix the 5th gear nut. That's half-assing it. Have the transmission rebuilt with a fully splined mainshaft.
bobbed_84_toy said:
That's why you should just have two wheelers. Make them both semi-street legal-ish so when either is broke you have a backup driver:beer:
You gonna wheel the elcamino? :corn:
skrause said:
You gonna wheel the elcamino? :corn:

:haha: :haha: Wouldn't that be somethin

The closest that's been to wheeling was trying to back out of a buddy's driveyway over the summer. It was pretty much just dust and the dang 3500 stall convertor did nothing to help traction. Then the exhaust was blowing a huge cloud of dust up behind me so I couldn't see where the heck i was going. She barely made it out lol. Had to get a couple runs at one spot:haha:

But I sold that to my old man a while back and bought this pig
Friend just had his VP44 replaced at the PowerShop. Have to be good to it. DSS might also be a nice upgrade.
wcjp said:
Friend just had his VP44 replaced at the PowerShop. Have to be good to it. DSS might also be a nice upgrade.

My VP44 has a clean bill of health according to the local dealership. I've been driving very conservatively on it because I have a pressure light on there that tells me when things get into the "danger zone" as far as fuel pressure goes... and it's frighteningly easy to turn it on, even after a fuel filter change.

NotMatt said:
My VP44 has a clean bill of health according to the local dealership. I've been driving very conservatively on it because I have a pressure light on there that tells me when things get into the "danger zone" as far as fuel pressure goes... and it's frighteningly easy to turn it on, even after a fuel filter change.


The only thing you cn do with VP44's is check the error codes...which doesn't mean that the VP44 is good if there are no codes. If your lift pump is bad and your low fuel pressure light is on it's only a matter of time before it shits.

I had the same problem with mine until I put the FASS pump in and then eventually replaced the VP44 when it went south.
Jobless said:
The only thing you cn do with VP44's is check the error codes...which doesn't mean that the VP44 is good if there are no codes. If your lift pump is bad and your low fuel pressure light is on it's only a matter of time before it shits.

I had the same problem with mine until I put the FASS pump in and then eventually replaced the VP44 when it went south.

Right. What I was getting at is that the dealership says it's fine, they won't replace it under my 100k/5 year warranty because it's not throwing any codes. It runs fine, so I guess only time will tell whether it's going to crap out.

The fuel pressure light isn't ON as long as I let it warm up some in the morning and drive it like a normal human being, so I'm crossing my fingers and hoping I haven't damaged the VP44 at all. Only time will tell, but I have money set aside for that replacement should it come down the pipe too, so I'll be ok.
Jobless said:
The only thing you cn do with VP44's is check the error codes...which doesn't mean that the VP44 is good if there are no codes. If your lift pump is bad and your low fuel pressure light is on it's only a matter of time before it shits.
just because the lift pump takes a crap doesn't mean your injection pump will too. If you don't fix it then yea you'll have problems. But changing lift pumps is as common as changing oil.. a VP can go out even if you've had way more then enough fuel pressure it's whole life.. Some trucks can go through 6 lift pumps in 100k and the injection pump stays perfectly fine. Others can have a FASS (or something similar) from almost day one with plenty of pressure. And the thing just all of the sudden takes a crap.
as far as the boxes go.. A lot of people have switched over to a TST/Smarty combo. Failure rate on EDGE boxes is nuts.. especially the monitors. But some people get lucky.
Lucky Jeff said:
as far as the boxes go.. A lot of people have switched over to a TST/Smarty combo. Failure rate on EDGE boxes is nuts.. especially the monitors. But some people get lucky.

Hmm... well, I'm glad I bought through an authorized dealer. We'll see how it works... seems like lots of people are running them and have been happy, only time will tell.

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