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All at once.....

I call my lawyer, he is such a good lawyer, best lawyer in Miami, by this time in the morning, you will be working in Alaska! So dress warm..
Re: Re: All at once.....

zukimaster said:
I call my lawyer, he is such a good lawyer, best lawyer in Miami, by this time in the morning, you will be working in Alaska! So dress warm..
Haha Scarface!

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If you already have a lawyer, go with him. The guy on the billboard doesn't give a **** about JD, he'd probably settle for $7 and he gets $2.10 of it.
Re: Re: All at once.....

5BrothersFabrication said:
If you already have a lawyer, go with him. The guy on the billboard doesn't give a **** about JD, he'd probably settle for $7 and he gets $2.10 of it.
That was kinda my thinking on things, but never went through this so wasn't sure. What a cluster. All because some jackass ran a stop sign. Pisses me off.

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Re: Re: All at once.....

TacomaJD said:
That was kinda my thinking on things, but never went through this so wasn't sure. What a cluster. All because some jackass ran a stop sign. Pisses me off.

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Went through this whole issue years ago. Expect to wait a good couple years to see any money from it. Thats if dude had decent insurance or if he has anything. You dont sue him you go after his insurance company then if insurance isn't high enough go after his personal. Nothing can be done legal wise until both you and wife are back to work and cleared from medical then attorney starts his process. Then its a waiting game. Think there is a statue of limitations of a year to where something has to be filed.
TacomaJD said:
I ain't trying to ruin the guy's life, but I definitely want what's owed to me.

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Good people go into court feeling like this. Then after a hearing and learning all the things his attorney will do to dodge any responsibility, will change the game for you. It sucks.

I hate the court system

Last time I was hit and knocked unconscious. The insurance company paid me 2500 over the cars value, 2500 for pain and suffering and then I had to sign a form that I wouldn't sue. I had no intentions of suing and was happy as **** to get some money, as I was a broke ass college kid. I guess insurance companies have changed.

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Re: Re: All at once.....

LightBnDr said:
Good people go into court feeling like this. Then after a hearing and learning all the things his attorney will do to dodge any responsibility, will change the game for you. It sucks.

I hate the court system
Yeah its horse ****, I shouldn't have to have any worry about getting took care of, but I know I gotta cover my ass or lose it.

Went back for xrays on my shoulder today, pretty sure my collar bone is popping in and out on the sternum side when I move certain ways. Might be out of work longer than expected, fawk. Good times. Lol.

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Bumping this up for advice.

Talked to my lawyer buddy early on after the wreck, he said if doctor visits dont get too complicated, we could probably just settle on our own with the at fault guy's insurance company, so I just figured we'd wait a few weeks and see what develops. Well not **** has developed. Accident occurred on June 12th, a couple weeks later, I gave a copy of the wreck report stating it wasn't our fault to my insurance company and they sent a copy of it to that guy's insurance company. That guy's insurance company told my insurance company the giy that hit us did start a claim, so that was good. Another week or so went by, that guy's insurance company called me and I couldn't answer. They left a message for me to call them back and left an extension number and name of contact person handling the case. I called back within 2 hours of missed call and left them a voicemail, bc nobody answered at that extension. Never got called back. So I called and left another voicemail the next week. Never got called back. So I dropped it for a couple weeks, called back 3 days ago and got ahold of a random person in billing and asked who the hell I needed to talk to about this, she gave me someone else's name and extension and said she is handling it now. Wtf?! So I call her, no answer, and leave a voicemail. Been 3 days, no returned call. Good To Go Auto Insurance is who it's with, formerly Omni Isurance or something.

Now my question is, should I just take the plunge and let a lawyer handle it completely, because I'm learning how much lawyers usually get percentage wise, and I just don't want to lessen the amount I get by paying an attorney, but that is really dependent upon the insurance company doing right and giving me a fair settlement....which I know their job is to settle for as little as possible. So I'm thinking of just dropping it in a lawyer's hands and letting him pressure them for what's right.

Basically just wanted to run this by the ones who have been there and done this before before I do hire a lawyer. I never been through this, amd it seems like a giant crock of **** that nearly a month and a half has gone by and I haven't at least got oaid for my totalled out car. I mean what if I had owed on it and didn't have a 2nd vehicle to drive and couldn't afford to just go buy another one to drive in the meantime, that situation would royally **** someone over. Luckily I have my truck to drive, but the thought of not having my saturn because that idiot ran a stop sign and I probably ain't gonna get **** for it, maybe $1500, which is nowhere.near enough to replace it with, really pisses me off.

In the words of the wise JohnG - "What say Hardline?"

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Re: Re: All at once.....

stuftmunky2k said:
Went through this whole issue years ago. Expect to wait a good couple years to see any money from it. Thats if dude had decent insurance or if he has anything. You dont sue him you go after his insurance company then if insurance isn't high enough go after his personal. Nothing can be done legal wise until both you and wife are back to work and cleared from medical then attorney starts his process. Then its a waiting game. Think there is a statue of limitations of a year to where something has to be filed.

Good luck getting anything above what the guy's policy limits are in Alabama. It pretty much never happens.
Re: Re: All at once.....

muddinmetal said:
Some are worse than ever. OMNI is the worst of the worst. You can always file on your own personal insurance if you have full coverage and their insurance is screwing around with your best interests
Reading back through this thread and I see this... just so happens that's who he has insurance with. Great.

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I also have a friend that is an attorney. If it were me I would have him on their ass. Truthfully probably the second time they didn't answer it would have turned shitty. No one gives a **** about you except you and your lawyer.


Back to lawyers. I had a guy/group trying to start an HOA and screw me ONE TIME. Lawyer told me how how to handle that nonsense and it worked. That guy now has zero friends and found himself on the other side of the fence. Makes me feel good.
sappmann said:
your insurance should be handling this not you JD

Agreed....I'd file on my own insurance and let them go after the other company. They'll pay you and subrogate (sue the other ins company).

I got rearended a while back by a person driving a rental and my agent said the best thing was to go ahead and let my ins handle it instead of waiting around. I had to pay my deductible, but once the insurance co subrogated and won I got a check for that amount.

I only had liability on the car since it was just a "beater", can't recoup lost money on the car I no loner have through my own insurance. And our hospital bills, followup bills, 7 weeks out of work lost wages on two people, and the bullshit of going through all this "pain and suffering" ain't gonna be cheap.

I've been getting 100% full pay out of work, wife been getting 50% pay, all medical bills claimed on our own insurance, but both our medical insurance and short term disability companies are supposed to get reimbursed for the wages they have been paying us while we are out of work. So even though we've been getting paid, full lost wages for both of us will also need to be recovered. Just sounds like a lot of **** that a lawyer could probably handle better than myself.

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Your ins company can/should go after his. Your ins co has lawyers to cover their own asses, they work for you already. Unless you aren't getting paid, or your ins co is trying to say you are liable, then SFW. thumb.gif

In TN the responsible party has 30 days (to file with their ins company before anyone can do ****.

I had a similar situation when this chick I went to college with hit me on campus.

3 weeks go by and multiple phone calls to her and my insurance, and I still didnt' have a front bumper on my truck. They couldn't/wouldn't do anything till she made turned in a claim, then after 30 days, if she didn't file I could have a copy of the police report sent to my and her ins. co. and they would automatically start a claim.

So I text her and asked her to file the claim... Her Dad calls me throwing a cussing fit and says the cops are on the way to arrest me for harassing his daughter :wtflol: Turns out she never told him that she'd hit anyone and had just been driving her crashed up car around too scared to tell daddy! So he apologized to me and I had a check for $990 from her ins co 3 days later.

Press your insurance company and let them handle all of it. If you choose to sue, do it sooner than later. The longer you let it go, the worse it looks from your side. As if, you weren't injured bad enough to sue, but things weren't going your way and you chose to sue after the fact.

The last time a vehicle was hit of mine(no one was in it), I had my lawyer send the insurance company a letter. Payment happen the following week. He didn't charge to write the letter.

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