Ricky, delete your posts or move them to vendors section. It is not right to get on Wyatt's ass then allow you to do the same fawking thing. I sent you a PM, but I am about to move them if you do not.
Speeding said:Consider them moved.. Wasn't really trying to pimp, just wanted to give some HL peeps a deal in private.
Matt O. said:Doesn't matter it is viewed as pimping and they will all throw a **** fit about it. nolen is doing a fine job of pimping them on PBB I am sure he will move them
Matt O. said:I fixed all of the issues, non members can only edit their posts for 60 minutes after making them. Non members cannot delete their own posts or threads. Good to go!
I don't care if Wyatt leaves but he is not taking any more content with him