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Any Buggy Radio Ideas

Re: Re: Re:

TBItoy said:
Clipping is when the speaker requires more power than the amp can supply

Clipping is when an amp tries to deliver more output than it is supposed to. Basically you can take an amp which @ 4ohm can supply 40w RMS clean power, (gain set with dmm to match head unit output voltage) that is safe operating.
However if someone uses the gain level as a volume knob instead of matching it to the head unit, the amp is fully capable of achieving 60 to 80 watts rms, however it is over working itself and producing a dirty signal, trying to compensate for the demands placed on it by the settings which will over time kill any speaker.
Clean signal on oscilloscope ~~~~~~~
Dirty /\/\__/\
Headphones are a no go. I wheel with good friends tthat normally like my music. Plus im not trying to supply music to the trail just to me. With what you are saying about the amp not putting out full power like it says mabye i would be good just getting some cheaper speakers to match the amp better.

Any ideas on which items to use?
Re: Re: Re: Any Buggy Radio Ideas

MattyB4x4 said:
I saw this one on ebay the other day: http://www.ebay.com/itm/PLMCA76-BOAT-ATV-MOTORCYCLE-WATERPROOF-800-Watt-Miniture-Amp-4-Speaker-Kit-/271661274909?

4 weatherproof speakers w/ amp....intended for a motorcycle or something like that. Figure 2 under the dash and 2 behind the seats should be enough for me and my passenger.
Those are quiet.
I had these
With this source unit.
Neat setup. Plenty loud and good sound
Ask smurfy
twizt3dfuc so do you like your setup? I think i may go with the pyle amp but then just use a cheaper speaker. Ill look for a speaker thats around 50-60 rms.