No, my wife is a porn nazi. She hates this site because of side bewbs and thick chicks. :****:wannabe said:any of yall been watching masters of sex?
5BrothersFabrication said:No, my wife is a porn nazi. She hates this site because of side bewbs and thick chicks. :****:
Is it worth a look?
payne97 said:What do you all think Tara is going to do rat or go back to Jax
and the Mexicans aren't happy
muddinmetal said:either: A) She'll somehow come out a hero in all of this, or
B) She will die tonight
Eric04 said:I don't see her dying..for some reason I see her taking the fall for it all and leaving the boys to jaxs.
Next season it'll be a war between black n italians vrs mexican and chinese..soa will still play their part.Nero is a good hearted guy..I don't see him doing anything to harm the business, juice will be dead soon
5BrothersFabrication said:I dunno, Sutter has a bad habit of getting you tied to a charachter, then BAM, dead. Juice is definately dead, he knows waaay too much for the club to just ink over and let him walk. Tara is going to be ordered dead, then not, but someone doesn't get the memo in time and she dies anyway. Or the Irish or Chinese find her and the boys and use them all to **** the club over. Or I'm just rolling out my own screenplay...