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Anyone have any advice on how you tell your wife she needs cooking classes?

Wow. This board has more money than balls :****: :eat:

Throw a **** paint job in one of the rooms and see what she says to you. Aka,man up and just say it :eat:
mikeparker said:
Does she follow directions? My wife cooks great but follows recipes to a "T" so its usually good. If recipe is crap food is crap. Find a good cook book or make one with your favorite recipes. My in-laws are prolly the best cooks I know, that is not saying my family is bad just better at different foods. I'm like a long term missionary, "Lord I will put it down if You will keep it down". Haha

I agree with this approach. If her problem is winging it and it tastes bad is one thing but if she can follow simple directions then she should be ok. Mention people around work, trail rides or whatever keep talking about recipes their wives get off Pinterest. Maybe she will take the hint and find something. My wife is an ok cook, and she will admit that, but she has been doing better lately by pulling stuff off Pinterest. Actually woke up today to go in for night shift and ate a meal she found on there yesterday. Turned out good.
Tell her get in the damn kitchen and make you a sammich! Then holler when you need a couch to sleep on. And dear lord I can't imagine you cooking. Drues dog has to eat better than that :****:
Kush just smoke more, you'll be starving and the food will be better!! :****: molaugh
Re: Re: Anyone have any advice on how you tell your wife she needs cooking classes?

SHELBS44 said:
Tell her get in the damn kitchen and make you a sammich! Then holler when you need a couch to sleep on. And dear lord I can't imagine you cooking. Drues dog has to eat better than that :****:
And drues dog is a **** eater. I have witnessed this. Twice
God. That dog. Ewwww let it eat **** all day then giggle all night as everyone kisses it. Seen it. Twice. Ha. I hate animals.

Dammit. Almost started rambling. Ok back to the subject. Man, a few have mentioned., 09zkrankin nailed it... For fawks sake follow the directions .. That winging it **** is for the birds. Never seen anything magical appear from changing the recipe ... One would think after a few times ya would get it.. Dam.
I'm gonna make a menu. **** pizza , fuk the marina. Nigs are broke. I'm assuming it's cheaper to cook!!?? I'm starting to think maybe not. I always see y'alls food y'all post up and wanna grab the spaghetti , pizza, tacos, or whatever typical meal we have sittin on the stove going bad and throw it through the wall... Pisses me off kinda... I ain't man'n up and sayin ****... Really that's my only gripe bout my girl. Well that and this year and half job search. Ha. I manned up the other day and finally told her "a ****in tarded homeless person could find a job in less than a year". See , my use of the right words flys out the window. She cried all night. It sucked. Prob should have worded it different. Hahahah. FAWK. I'm gonna try to show her **** to make. And keep mentioning "have to follow the directions". It really ain't hard. Hell I can make about 10 different meals from a few snacks and Ramon noodles. Not important where I learned that. Don't ask. :'(
I got some reaserch to do. I'll let y'all know how it goes. I would record it but Everytime I try that I get busted. And it's embarrassing.. I took a sneaky pic of the nurse at the dr before we had Charley, i had to.. She was bout 5'0" 350lbs field dressed. Soon as I took it I hear a foreign accent say .. "You no take pics of me". Hahah shoulda seen my girl then! Wooo wee.
By the time super (my only meal) comes around I done smoked a few ant. I been doing that. Haha. Smoke all the weed ya want. **** still taste like ****. Haha
Patooyee. You need new friends. My friends know it's coming if they ever did some bullshit like that. Man o man.
Re: Anyone have any advice on how you tell your wife she needs cooking classes?

My wife doesn't cook much and I do most of it. She really didn't learn to cook growing up. On the other hand my grandmother started teaching me in kindergarten and my dad taught me a lot along with my self.

Is it burnt? No seasoning? See mine doesn't really know how to tell when meat is done. I have started easy and got her doing good on sides. I have a green egg and mostly cook a lot on there.

Why don't yall cook together and show her a few things along the way. Now straight up telling her she sucks at cooking depends on her personality and if she thinks she is trying really hard. Teach her, go over a few things, and offer encouragement. I'm sure you work hard every day like most, but make it a "together thing" for a while.
kushKrawlin said:
... I ain't man'n up and sayin ****... Really that's my only gripe bout my girl. Well that and this year and half job search. Ha. I manned up the other day and finally told her
drool. Good luck

Everything my wife makes is spaghetti. Everything.

Every "new" recipe she finds is some sort of tomato based meat sauce/soup/filling over noodles, or in a casserole, or stuffed in some poor unsuspecting vegetable.

She hates cooking and pretty well sucks at multitasking in the kitchen so that the meal gets done in a timely fashion.

I usually cook, no big deal because I enjoy it. She's always busy cleaning or folding clothes while I'm cooking.
Man, y'all are making me realize how good I have it!
When we first got married (17 years ago) I did the cooking as I was a better cook and we both worked. She did the cleaning and laundry and I did the yard and cooking, seemed fair to me. After we had our son and we decided my wife would stay home with him and subsequently our daughter she took on the role since she was home.

She quickly developed her cooking skill set and she almost always now produces some awesome meals and never one that isn't edible! She got into baking for awhile and generally knocks that out of the park too. You give that woman a recipe and she follows it and 98% of the time it is spot on. She has all these recipe sites book marked and has notes on what we liked etc. I can't remember the last time we had the same thing during a two week span. She has even started substituting and adding to recipes to expand her abilities. Those are about 85-90% good. I still do the grill work and occasionally will do one of my "specialties" (marinara sauce, lasagne and rolling home made sushi to name a few) but by in large the kitchen is hers...and it's not just for sammiches!!

Kush, if your wife will get upset by telling her that her cooking sucks, I strongly suggest you do what others have suggested and learn with her...hell you might learn something and grow closer in the process as an added side benefit. She may never have had the benefit of someone teaching her and may have very low self confidence in learning new things...if you do it with her, you might break through that and help her along.
Here is the problem... You have been with her all these years and haven't said **** about her cooking or are still looking for a way to say things "correctly" ... You are fuc*ked. You're relationship is already established. Expecting good to come from this on your terms or recommendation is merely a fantasy
bbone said:
You cook the main dish, let her cook the sides...it will eventually work out.

Man, if I had the skills you do on a grill, I'd open a BBQ restaurant and I would also weigh 900 lbs. No kidding. Phenomenal. I hope your kitchen consists of a roll up door that you open and back that bad ass grill trailer into! Voila!
Re: Anyone have any advice on how you tell your wife she needs cooking classes?

Buy ur daughter a easy bake oven and tell ur wife she can help lol. Ive been very lucky, my mom cooks like a boss, my ex wife was a damn good cook and my woman now is awesome and gets mad if i cook or clean and always sending me recipes and asking if i wanna try it, **** yeah id eat just about anything

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Re: Re: Anyone have any advice on how you tell your wife she needs cooking classes?

Zjman said:
Buy ur daughter a easy bake oven and tell ur wife she can help lol. Ive been very lucky, my mom cooks like a boss, my ex wife was a damn good cook and my woman now is awesome and gets mad if i cook or clean and always sending me recipes and asking if i wanna try it, **** yeah id eat just about anything

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He'd be using the Easy Bake oven for his "brownies".

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Tell her there is a cooking thread on one of the 4x4 sites you frequent and some of the guys are raving about how good some of the recipes are from the Costco cookbook series. Order it off Amazon and tell her you want to cook some of the recipes for/with her. My wife cooked a lot from these books when we first got together. We have about a half dozen of the Costco cookbooks.


My wife is one of the best cooks I know. She caters the weddings she hosts in her event venue. makes the wedding cakes too. Caters out, all kinds of ****. ****ing amazing, and in a non commercial kitchen feeding 300 people with a hot plate and a commercial convection oven :****: That said, she doesn't cook at home. 10x a year would be a ****ing stretch. Before she started the event venue she cooked at home all the time. now I have to go to the event place and raid the fridge and hope she didn't donate all the leftovers. There is a standing lunch on thursdays that I always go in and poach a plate at. Good **** :eat:
I don't ****ing cook. Eating out is costly and unhealthy. Sucks.
Honestly the only way I see to change a habit/routine after years together is very very slowly so they don't even notice it or all at once with a hell of a fireworks show and a couple weeks of the cold shoulder routine. There are some things I would love to change around here. It's difficult to do after the fact.

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