tyleecw said:
tyleecw said:
adventureoffroadpark said:Be careful who you threaten
adventureoffroadpark said:Be careful who you threaten
whatever happened to the days when they shot horse thieves, god damn ***** society putting up with worthless thieving bastards who are too lazy too work and much too easy to steal cause the laws protect the guilty. Fawk u lazy pieces of ****Avalonacres said:Hi all. I am one of the horse people she has scammed. She is vicious. The has MULTIPLE aliases and will work the system for all it is worth. She is living in Ohio and dating Kenneth Reese. She stole her last boyfriends ssn to pay for those fake tits she's sporting. She is GOOD at being a con, so please be very careful. DO NOT WIRE ANYONE money. Use PayPal. She got me for 1800 2yrs ago. And has gotten 2 people in the last few days for 3700.