Yes it looks bad, the big extinguisher was a dud. It charged but never went off. The small one had the wrong safety tie to hold the pin in. The man that owns the rig was not mad, and his rig is fine. The guys know what they are doing. They just couldn't get the tie to break. I can promise it with not happen that way again. We will double check all pins to make sure the safety tie is pre cut. I don€™t care how much someone practices something, throw a monkey wrench in a turbine engine and watch it all go to ****. Lesson learned; just glad everything came out unhurt. It is so easy for everyone to set back and be an arm chair QB, until you are put in the same situation you never really know how you will react. By the way Eddie (WFO 1 on here) says if anyone wants to bash the crew just give him a call. (931)5eight0-9five11. He has already PM€™d someone his number but they never called him.