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AOP - SFWDA Trail Fest - May 2-4, 2014


That is what Tom posted on Facebook under "Adventure Off-road park" page. Copied straight from there.
they rent the gmp for the week for Dixie run that's why you have to reg. to get in I don't think tom is doing this.
The old bounty hill was opened today for 12 drivers to attempt it one more time with a lot of carnage Lawrence Collins has the new high mark he almost made it ! Hell of a show
This was a private filming for the TV show Have to wait for it to be aired they told the crowd that if anyone was caught filming with their phones or any other means you would be escorted off the hill and out of the park no questions asked
No information on that yet they will be filming all thru the race series at the park I assume they will put the show together after they edit all the footage Im sure the info will be posted later in the summer or early fall maybe