crash said:
Why do people who have never ran one spill bullshit like this
It's not bullshit.
Didn't mean to piss in your cherrios, mereley making an opionated statement based on the facts.
In my expierence, wether installed properly or not, ARB's require more maintenance than your average "auto" locker.
In all my days of wheeling there are TWO people that I haven't seen have ARB issues. Crash, and Jeff from Two Big Broncos. Sure I haven't wheeled with you for many years, but I have seen more component issues and failures in ARB's than I have from folks who have auto lockers.
All the detroits or auto lockers that I have seen don't have issues. They just work. I never get oil in my compressor. I never have problems with my solenoids. I never have swtich issues. My lockers don't fail to unlock when the purge gets sticky. My air compressors don't blow fuses and fail to engage my lockers. My Air lines don't break. My O rings don't leak. My lockers JUST WORK.
So there.
ARB = All Ready Broken.
EDIT. I was trying to help. I thought my first post of the suggestion to change the gear oil, and perhaps inspect the unit was sound advice. Maybe I should have said "ARB's are maintenance whores" But you do have to keep the components clean, and inspect them to make sure they are all functioning properly.
Sorry to get you all pissed off, but I was trying to help.