Before I get any more inquiries from folks wanting to buy, please be aware THEY ARE NOT FOR SALE YET and I have no control over it. The convertible belongs to my girlfriend and the hard top belongs to her sister. I will post a legit for sale ad if they do come up for sale, but during this time of loss, neither the gf or her sis is wanting to make the decision of getting rid of the cars just yet. I just posted this to try and figure the value of them in order to help them decide if they want to sell and for how much WHEN they get ready. There has been more interest in these than I imagined. I'm fairly certain the convertible will be for sale, as I don't believe my gf will want to keep it, but the hardtop is 50/50. Her sister left her wedding in the hardtop years ago when it was in good shape, so she has a little more centiment toward it than the gf does toward the convertible that was left to her. We will see what they decide later on and I will create a listing if they do decide for sure to sell them.
Also, I will post back up when I get the hoods raised.
Also, I will post back up when I get the hoods raised.