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ATTN all camper owners with POS generators!! Read here!!

Re: ATTN all camper owners with POS generators!! Read here!!

tonybolton said:
LOL.....folks wonder why I don't like camping. They have these things called hotels. Indoor pools....perfect climate control....room service....no generators....
still have dumb hillbillies.... Also bedbugs...... Pubic hair waiting on ur pillow..... Unknown bodily fluids in ur matress.... Fungus spores in the shower..... The wonderful aroma of cury... Housekeeping beating on ur door at 8 am....
It's that can't hide money lifestyle I guess. 8)

Fixed it.... Yeah motels are awesome.
patooyee said:
That term itself is illogical. :)

So many reasons to stay in a hotel.

Only need one reason not to......sex juices on everything. Mainly the pillows
lowbudgetjunk said:
Only need one reason not to......sex juices on everything. Mainly the pillows

So when you go out of town on work trips or vacations and such ... do you sleep in the parking lots there as well?

And in the shitty showers at all offroad parks, you think those are sex-juice free and cleaned after every use? Or do you just not shower for 3 days? Which is worse?

Maybe you guys are staying in roach houses...but just like this hobby we're in, pay for quality and you enjoy the benefits.

30$ a night room....yea....you just layed your head on a cumstain. No shocker there.

You guys with ORI's....500hp...cut stickys...60-spline whatever, take it from the guy with captured coils and 30$ white shocks. You get whatya pay for. ;)
I've stayed at many $30/night places that were quite decent. Health department inspects hotels the same as they do restaurants. Just based on how strict I know they are with me, I would have to imagine that a hotel that allowed patrons to sleep on cum-puddles would not last very long. $30/night is difficult to find though. Mostly stay in $65/night rooms though. Never been disappointed with any at that rate.

Maybe we need a spin-off thread with a poll.

Have you ever become ill from sleeping in a puddle of cum at a hotel?
A: Yes
B: No.

Besides, WTF sleeps in cum-puddles without knowing it? I think you have bigger life-issues if you are unable to recognize that you are laying your head in a puddle of semen. :)

^^^^^^^^them hardcore kuntry livin campuuuurz! **** your nice sleepin mattresses filled with devil sin and indoor pipes filled with liquid lies!!! 'Muricuuuuuhhh!!

I hate camping in parking lots also.

But I also will hang my hammock up away from the parking lot up on the mountain
We have a few manstruation cycles synced here. Need a few manpons? Y'all got some damn issues if you overthink everything like that. I guess I just don't think about **** like what's been on the damn bed. If it's obviously clean sheets why worry. You think people don't **** nasty hookers in 150$ a night hotel rooms too or have swingers get togethers. I'll just stick to my 4600$ rv. :rolf:

The hookers are cleaner at 150$ rooms. Probably still have some dignity left too. ;)

Ain't nobody shittin on their chest an such...
Well. Call me crazy but I may be on the look out for a loud generator. My wife, the same one that gets kept up late by the brightness of my iPhone apparently slept great and said the sound got "cozy" after a wile. Bahahahhahahahahahaha. Gimmie break.. Man o man.
I ain't even read the comments in this thread. Figured u already knew how the post are going. It's hot.

tonybolton said:
The hookers are cleaner at 150$ rooms. Probably still have some dignity left too. ;)

Ain't nobody shittin on their chest an such...

Been turned down on that before? :dunno: :flipoff1:
Re: Re:

tonybolton said:
Ya tellem you been eating Krystal and Taco Bell for a week straight and suddenly it's game changer. Go figure....

kushKrawlin said:
I ain't even read the comments in this thread.

That's a shame. Any time grown men talk about sleeping in pools of semen and hookers there are bound to be at least a few chuckles.
Re: Re:

tonybolton said:
The hookers are cleaner at 150$ rooms. Probably still have some dignity left too. ;)

Ain't nobody shittin on their chest an such...

You obviously don't like to party. Or can't afford the good stuff

Man....has this thread got off track.. Anyway. I had a welder on a welding truck and ran the exhaust down into the truck muffler. Fixed!! Back on track.
halcat said:
Man....has this thread got off track.. Anyway. I had a welder on a welding truck and ran the exhaust down into the truck muffler. Fixed!! Back on track.

I had an old coleman powermate with a car muffler on it, the damn thing was still loud as hell with the exhaust quiet.