If its free, its P
race_jeep said:Yeah, i'm wondering about the reliability but for half the price of a honda, i'll try it.
Go jump a shoppin cart and report back

race_jeep said:Yeah, i'm wondering about the reliability but for half the price of a honda, i'll try it.
I was scared to click the video for fear of what "two man on man" stuff you and Tbag been practicing.race_jeep said:yeah its a monster joe, I like the **** out of it, me and T already been practicing for two man competition
Bones said:It's in the 'Ham also! I am bidding ****ers! 8) 8) 8)
P said:Ill "completely destroy" it for you until you come get it laughing
Sheesh email the seller Snidly. We need a jerkoff smile for Kellyblacksheep10 said:whos green military linked rig is that in the ham? even painted the coils. looks like 52's on a 9" or an eaton or a front loader rock, or a gmc 2.5 ton. how big is that pumpkin?