So I want to have the cage on my Taco finished out on around the cab and fenders and then welded into the Demello Offroad bumper that's already on it. The brakes are effed up on it now and I've got alot of **** going on over the next month or so, so it would be that long before I'm ready to get it built and finished. I really don't have access to tubing and tube benders like alot of you on here do, so I'm asking how much would it run me to drop the truck off with one of ya'll one day and come pick it up finished. I'm talking about a round estimate of what it'll cost for tubing and labor. I'm also not sure what would be the best size and wall thickness tube to use either. Just give me some feedback on this, any questions or advice just ask or feel free to give it.
I would like it to have one, maybe two bars coming straight down the middle of the windshield, but only if it's possible to have them removable in case I have to put a new windshield in it. Not worried about bars going across the hood, but might be interested in having some sort of small stinger extension added to the existing bumper.
I would like it to have one, maybe two bars coming straight down the middle of the windshield, but only if it's possible to have them removable in case I have to put a new windshield in it. Not worried about bars going across the hood, but might be interested in having some sort of small stinger extension added to the existing bumper.