DHR Darren
Well-Known Member
Nah, I doubt I will be there but you can drop it in the mail if you like.
I havent broke TG parts I break lockers and ring/pinions. I could care either I've run TG and MC have yet to break a case but I dont run 39" stickies or 42" tires. I have the sense to know I will break a tranny or case. Thats 1 ton territory without toyota drivetrain. Love my Longs and TG and MC duals hate my 5.29 gears. Call me an idiot because idk 4340 from 300m because I dont research for hours about stuff that doesn't effect me. Theres my $.02 rant over. Glad DHR understands. And btw Darren will u be at swap meet ill just get you your money for truck parts then and save the trip.