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Bad Ass Sniper Shot

Jesus Christ that's badass! Can you imagine the terror going through the heads of the insurgents??? You've got 50 cal rounds coming in from so far away that you can't even see where they're coming from! And they're so accurate that no one is ****ing escaping alive! How do you fight something like that? Basically, it's like God raining down bullets.

As a side note, if ya'll ever want a great read about snipers in Vietnam you should read Marine Sniper: http://search.barnesandnoble.com/Marine-Sniper/Charles-Henderson/e/9780425103555/?itm=3

It's about Carlos Hathcock, the most successful Marine Sniper ever with 93 confirmed kills. My dad was a Marine Sniper in the same war at the same time with 29 confirmed kills and its amazing what these guys did and went through for their country and families. Hathcock's true stories are the basis for many scenarios that you've seen in tons of fictional movies. I don't want to give away the ending but suffice it to say that Hathcock ended his military career even more heroically than he acted during it. Its a short book with big print and I read it in a day and its one of the best books I've ever read.

J. J.

Edit: Hathcock was also the one responsible for first using the 50-cal as a sniper weapon. Until that time it was exclusively an antitank / vehicle gun and everyone thought he was crazy to try to snipe with it. But he developed an accurate sighting system for it and went to town and shut everyone the **** up.
3 tons o fun said:
Is it wrong to get goose bumps from watchin that?

Goosebumps? **** like that are the only things that can even remotely come close to making me cry!

J. J.
patooyee said:
You can have one, too! There is a US companay legally making and selling 50-cals to the public.

J. J.

**** mang, the company that builds those rifles is right here in good ole TN. right down the road practically.
I guess that means their god really loves them since he is in such a haste to get them near to him to enjoy their 72 virgins or whatever that dumbass number is.

J. J.
Wonder how much one of those bad boys run? Or is it one of those things if you have to ask you cant afford it things :fish:
blacksheep10 said:
pretty sure one of our members and a guy with a hill in his backyard has one. Don't know if its barrett or israel arms.

I know the guy with the hill in his backyard has one. I also heard they were made in TN. Check out the bullet comparison. The one to the right of the .50 cal bullet is a 300 WIN MAG. I have a 300 as my hunting rifle, a very powerful gun with a large shell in its own right. Does not even compare to the .50 though..

Watched that episode on History the other night. Definitely some sick shooting. We were at the range just before deer season opened and a guy showed up with a Barrett .50cal and supressor. Other than a quick muffled thud you didnt hear anything until the shell hit the rock face 300+yrds away.