Ive got an old school Ford HP dana44.
For the most part, its enough axle for what i do, but i chew thru upper balljoints like bubble gum.
Im using the Napa Chassis ball joints, the gold with blue boot ones...
I was considering a balljoint eliminator for it, the only one ive found was this:
Anyone got any thoughts on this or feedback or know of another alternative?
For the most part, its enough axle for what i do, but i chew thru upper balljoints like bubble gum.
Im using the Napa Chassis ball joints, the gold with blue boot ones...
I was considering a balljoint eliminator for it, the only one ive found was this:

Ball Joint Eliminators
Having problems with breaking upper ball joints or separating ball joints? Here is the solution for off-road applications to keep your axle together. Made in the U.S.A.!!!
Anyone got any thoughts on this or feedback or know of another alternative?