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hayitsray said:
See this is how miss facts get put out there a friend of mine hauled me to KOA in 2014 and stayed with him all week had nothing to do with SRRS then I did ride half way back with Tripp and the other Half with the Guys hauling Plowboys buggy , but SRRS did not haul me out there and this year SRRS did not haul me out there again I rode with other buddy and split fuel
My bad I guess I should use my wording a little more precisely. I didn't mean they paid for you to go or hauled your junk out there. I was pointing out that you :tc on them got you invited to go. Sorry for the misconseption.

I feel like some clean cut guy is gonna step out in a nice suit smoking a cigarette. Calmly describe the situation and at the end say "welcome to the twilight zone" :****:
Neal3000 said:
I don't mean this as a slam at all but Why do you even bother with it, 95% of the time you and Cole are filming the exact same stuff (which are equally good btw) Go ride and enjoy your rig if there's nothing in it for you.

Going to go out on a limb and call it marketing. Most businesses have a budget for it.
hayitsray said:
See this is how miss facts get put out there a friend of mine hauled me to KOA in 2014 and stayed with him all week had nothing to do with SRRS then I did ride half way back with Tripp and the other Half with the Guys hauling Plowboys buggy , but SRRS did not haul me out there and this year SRRS did not haul me out there again I rode with other buddy and split fuel

Man that hurts to read. Try using a period, comma and a new sentence every once in a while.
Yall should be thanking this batman dude, life gets boring if everyone's happy and hugging each others nuts all the time, you need someone keeping **** stirred up from time to time. Makes racing more fun too if you have someone to hate and by Gawd i'm gonna beat that sumbisch or destroy my rig trying :****:
redneckengineered said:
Going to go out on a limb and call it marketing. Most businesses have a budget for it.

I understand that but i believe i've read before that he makes most of his money on stuff totally unrelated to off-roading? Maybe i'm wrong.
Neal3000 said:
I don't mean this as a slam at all but Why do you even bother with it, 95% of the time you and Cole are filming the exact same stuff (which are equally good btw) Go ride and enjoy your rig if there's nothing in it for you.

I would think that the videos get subscribers which then in turn sell merchandise later. And there is some ROI on the videos. Basically the videos are their advertising for the swag. I try to buy a shirt or two every year from Cole as I enjoy the videos and being on one every now and again for my 20 seconds of youporn I mean youtube fame.
BustedKnucklefilms said:
It is not per view but per ad click and believe me its not that much compared to the amount of work and expense to drive all over the country. My company is my full time job. Youtube is just a small part of it.


Matt, I genuinely appreciate you posting video. I never expected you to put it on youtube or to have to edit it, I was wanting the file to watch it on my pc. I can also assure I would not have said anything on open forum if you would have acknowledged the pm a couple months back. Thanks for making it right. Now I can quit boycotting your videos. :eat:

Neal3000 said:
Yall should be thanking this batman dude, life gets boring if everyone's happy and hugging each others nuts all the time, you need someone keeping **** stirred up from time to time. Makes racing more fun too if you have someone to hate and by Gawd i'm gonna beat that sumbisch or destroy my rig trying :****:
I don't hate him or really care if I outrun him or am considered more "cool" than him. I made sure and spoke to him and shook his hand at gayrock race. He rubbed me and many others very wrong more than once. (Not in a sexual way since I have to spell **** out for people). Its the kind of dealings like what has happened in the past that will make this sport implode. I have never started the bashing on him just point out the facts nobody truly knows. I told everyone involved in the behind the scences bs drama I tried my BEST to stay out of I would drag them down at every available oppurtunity that would eventually arise.
Golly....I feel like squeezing a scale right now




Isn't that how you get a thread deleted? Typing please delete in all caps?
LightBnDr said:
Golly....I feel like squeezing a scale right now




Isn't that how you get a thread deleted? Typing please delete in all caps?
I'm starting to think your ip adress maybe the same as trip smiths! laughing1
hayitsray said:
See this is how miss facts get put out there a friend of mine hauled me to KOA in 2014 and stayed with him all week had nothing to do with SRRS then I did ride half way back with Tripp and the other Half with the Guys hauling Plowboys buggy , but SRRS did not haul me out there and this year SRRS did not haul me out there again I rode with other buddy and split fuel

I don't know you, and may never, and that is ok, but would like to offer a bit of advice: In this virtual world where friends are both in real life and on the interwebz the things you type may sound funny in your head and might be hilarious if we were all together at a campfire or watching guys attack a hill, but sometimes they do not translate to be so funny once they are typed out and folks are reading it. I am also going to nominate you and 417Chevy for worst punctuation on hardline. Good luck in the next race, I love seeing "the little guy" run with the big dogs.


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kmcminn said:
Matt, I genuinely appreciate you posting video. I never expected you to put it on youtube or to have to edit it, I was wanting the file to watch it on my pc. I can also assure I would not have said anything on open forum if you would have acknowledged the pm a couple months back. Thanks for making it right. Now I can quit boycotting your videos. :eat:

Smh no harnesses on???? :gtfo:
bbone said:
Man that hurts to read. Try using a period, comma and a new sentence every once in a while.
Hahaha. You too? It's weird. I have to read it 3 times and enter my own punctuation.. Which takes approx 20 min.. Good lord. Just a lil , or . As if u were takin a breath.
If Ya really want the answer to all this.. Just do what I do, if I see one of the magical cameras , I'm ridin to another spot. Don't care to stand and watch, Not what I'm there for, and Not enuf room on their nuts for me, hell I don't really care to swing on balls, ALL I care about is ridin, and RIDIN some more. That easy. I decided along time ago that IF I tear my **** to pieces, it will be "a buddy with a cell phone" or video camera.. Anyone thinks I'm destroyin a dam thing for them to make a penny( or a small percentage of a penny) has to be hittin a crack pipe... And I agree with the comment of Kevin being a nice guy, he's a swell fella. That Prob didn't know BK had a mob that would try and lynch his ass. Run Kevin run!!!
All I'm tryin to say is .. I'm really rooting for batman and jonathon(robin) to team up, with Jonathon gettin a set of ORI's and winning a few races! :woot:
Ah c'mon Bug E, please don't lump me into any phony group.

I was just tryin change the subject. I feel terrible for starting the thread in the first place. I was merely just curious what happened to Will but apparently I started a crap storm. Truly
LightBnDr said:
Ah c'mon Bug E, please don't lump me into any phony group.

I was just tryin change the subject. I feel terrible for starting the thread in the first place. I was merely just curious what happened to Will but apparently I started a crap storm. Truly

This thread rocks, be proud that you woke Hardline up for a few days :****:
al1tonyota said:
Smh no harnesses on???? :gtfo:

This is what set me off for the weekend. We have had a talk about it, twice. He had on a lap belt, but we all know the reason we put harnesses in our vehiculars.
lowbudgetjunk said:
This is what set me off for the weekend. We have had a talk about it, twice. He had on a lap belt, but we all know the reason we put harnesses in our vehiculars.

Kel the reason you were set off for the weekend is cause you got drunk in public for the first time years. Don't put that **** show you pulled on me. He said another he got drunk is cause he has to be drinking to have sex with al1tonyota. :flipgotcha: x 2
kmcminn said:
Matt, I genuinely appreciate you posting video. I never expected you to put it on youtube or to have to edit it, I was wanting the file to watch it on my pc. I can also assure I would not have said anything on open forum if you would have acknowledged the pm a couple months back. Thanks for making it right. Now I can quit boycotting your videos. :eat:


Thank him by going on his website and buying some BKF gear. Thats the best thanks of all. :dblthumb:
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