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Be careful on the trails

I have found out the hard way, I carry a double 9 for ginseng hunting and usually keep 6 rat shot and then 3 regular ones in it. Over the years of shooting the rat shot it has messed with the rifeling in the barrel and is so bad i have quit using it for my trapping season because of its inaccuracy, so now I just use it for rat shot only.
LandSpeeder said:
Will shot shell/rat shot ruin a barrel of say, a Glock? Cause this would be a great reason have a mag loaded and very handy in my new single stack 9mm Glock. But I'd rather not ruin a barrel that I've barely got 200rds through.

Edit: nevermind, found a video on the youtubes, says these do not cycle well in semi-autos. guess I better find me a cheap revolver for this purpose as well!

Depends on the pistol and ammo. I bought a new Glock 22 Gen 4. The snake shot would only cycle about 50% of the time. My brother-in-law bought a police buy-back Glock 22 Gen 3 or 2. It cycled snake shot 100%. I found that I could add about 10 more #6 shots into the CCI 40 cal shells and they would cycle in my new Glock 100%.

Another thing I learned was that I was putting a CCI snake load into the camber when we went certain places in the summer. If I didn't fire it, I would remove it when I got home. Then I started experiencing light firing pin strikes on the snake loads I had put in the chamber a few times. What I learned was, since the 40 cal headspacing against the bullet, it was shortening the aluminum case each time I put it in the chamber.

I have read that 40's and 45's generally cycle in most pistols. I generally just carry a 38 5-shot airweight SW. Its much lighter than the Glock and shoots a much tighter pattern (even though it has a shorter barrel, go figure).
Snake/rat shot through a 45 is quite deadly. My colt has only failed to cycle 1 time out of a box of 20. Just fyi to all its illegal to intentionally kill a snake in Tennessee so if you do so don't advertsise on here or social media. I'm not against it by any means just be warned so the game wardens are not knocking on your doors using your own pictures and testimony against you.
I carry a North American arms 22lr everyday it's a handy little gun to have around while riding bowfishing an such. Plus it fits in your pocket so u always have it on ya.. I'm gonna pick me up some rat shot for it soon.
onepieceatatime said:
I've heard Harlan is bad for them in the summer.

Harlan's "rules" actually say no firearms allowed, but I know this guy that carries every time he goes there. :-X He's walked up on too much stuff there, including a mountain lion.
Chris S said:
Just fyi to all its illegal to intentionally kill a snake in Tennessee so if you do so don't advertsise on here or social media. I'm not against it by any means just be warned so the game wardens are not knocking on your doors using your own pictures and testimony against you.

That is true and folks should be aware of the law. Shooting people in Tennessee is also against the law, but there are some exceptions. We own about 300 acres of Tennessee mtn land. We literally have thousands of snakes on our property. Most are black rat snakes. We have some black racers. We have a very few copperheads. We have a lot of timber rattlers. In the summer, I could easily kill a snake a day up there if I wanted to, but in 5 years I have only killed one. That was a 54" timber rattler hanging a round our cabin and in particular our picnic table. I shot snakes and turtles as a kid too. Since the, I've learned better. But I still ain't going to let a rattlesnake hang around our house or cabin and I ain't going to get bit trying to catch the thing and haul it off somewhere. We provide all kinds of critters with 299 acres of great mtn land to live on, as long as they stay off the acre around our cabin, all is good.
Dad used to say, Only good snake is a dead snake. I personally I have no problem with them, as long as they can't kill me. Racers and rat snakes dont bother me at all, had a black racer hanging out in the shop with me a few days ago. Those little tiny pigmy rattlers can :gtfo: tho, was cleaning up some tin in the yard one summer and flipped a piece over to find one rather large rattler, with about 5-6 smaller ones rolling around under it. I dont think that stack of tin has been looked at since :****:
All this talk about HPO and then babies on babies on babies reminds me of the Rattlesnake Saloon down the road. They have a mama rattler with her youngins hung up on the wall from when they were building the place.
BTW, ya'll need to go to that place if you've never been. While the food is bar-food... it's still a very cool place! Atleast worth one trip to it!
LandSpeeder said:
All this talk about HPO and then babies on babies on babies reminds me of the Rattlesnake Saloon down the road. They have a mama rattler with her youngins hung up on the wall from when they were building the place.
BTW, ya'll need to go to that place if you've never been. While the food is bar-food... it's still a very cool place! Atleast worth one trip to it!

Dude, I'm in, that place looks awesome!!! http://blog.al.com/entertainment-times/2011/05/fitting_in_8_things_to_know_be.html
Also, down the road at MorrisMtn, I've always heard that the trail "Copperhead" was named that because when they were building it, they killed Fifty11 copperheads. Maybe @MorrisMountain will chime in with pics.

But yeah, HPO, that whole line of trails is named after snakes... hope I don't run in to no Cobras, or Vipers!
Went to the Naxja cherrokee crawl a couple years ago in Harlan and we were on lower rock garden and had been there for a while watching people/eating lunch and I happned to look under the rock everyone was standing on there was a momma copper head and a couple little ones. no idea how the hell none of us got bit.
Ill keep these pics here instead of the gulf condo thread :****: Mom sent me these yesterday when I stopped by for mothers day, this was killed on her friends back porch down by the beach :eek:


14 rattles.....
shot that mothfuckal in the eye!

I spent my later high school years living on Dauphin Island south Mobile County. ALL kinds of snakes love them some salt water. Even witnessed a damned aligator swimming in the gulf! He habitated the Bird Sanctuary pond, but would occasionally swim in the gulf.
Yea, I've been witness to gators in the gulf on a few different occasions. They like the dune lakes alot, plenty of redfish to eat and sawgrass to chill in, when the lakes break through they will venture out. The brave ones will walk right across the beach from the dune lake to the gulf, I've only seen it once and heard about a handful of times. Its pretty wild to see a gator on the white sand, looks really out of place.

We have gators all over our neighborhood, they pulled a 12' + one out of the canal around the corner when I was 10 or 11, school bus driver stopped so we could watch out the window.
FlatlandFSJ said:
Ill keep these pics here instead of the gulf condo thread :****: Mom sent me these yesterday when I stopped by for mothers day, this was killed on her friends back porch down by the beach :eek:


14 rattles.....

That's a big ass snake.