DRZ400s are pretty badass bikes, I haave played on both SuperMotos and standard configs, and I loved both. I have friends who race SM bikes, so they SMs were modded too. They are actually really damn fun bikes. I have two friends who have them in standard form aside from exhaust, and they whoop myself and my friends asses on Chuckanut road on our sport bikes. Those ****ers can handle, I can hand ass to people on sport bikes when I ride those SM bikes too, they are a blast. I highly recommend one.
As for my own toys, Ive got a 99 yellow/black CBR600 with full exhaust, jet kit, chain/sprockets, fender eliminator, etc
Gear is a FieldSheer Congo Sport jacket (yellow/black of course) with CE armor and Phoslite reflectors, Fieldsheer pants with CE armor and Phoslite reflectors, Oxtar boots, Alpinestars gloves with CF knuckle armor, and an Arai helmet
First Pic is my girlfriend and I. Yes, its an 06 Ducati 749. No, she didnt ride wearing that. No, I dont really think Im that cool, Its a joke pose. I turned my hat around and struck the pose just for the camera, lol. As a matter of fact, after the pic was taken, she said "you look like an idiot" haha.
Second pic is me in my jacket just so you can see it - standing in my girlfriends forrest of a driveway waiting for her.